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Mavis POV
Hmm seems like they forget about me, "Ok so if that's everyone" Mira stated to say then I raised my hand. "I know I'm short but I'm not that short"! I say and everyone faces go white. "UHH FIRST MASTER WE ARE SOO SORRY WE DIDNT—" I Then cut her off by saying "It's fine, I will be going now" I say and walk out of the hotel. I walk to the nearest forest and change so anyone could see me. The forest is dark but that's how he likes it anyways. I brought food just Incase. "Zeref?" I fall out looking around with my hand over my mouth. "Zere-" I got cut off by someone says "Mavis," of course its the same dark hair person I was looking for. "Zeref ok so just in case you didn't eat I brought you food," I quickly say as I get the food out. "Thank you, your very kind" he says and I laugh "I've heard that before" 

Evergreens POV
These rooms here are amazing! There so big and cozy. Then I saw Lisanna looking at me. "Yes?" I asked as I finished putting up all my stuff. "Soo i was just wondering..... when's the weeding!??" Well she seems excited. "What weeding?" I adjust my glasses, and she walks over to go sit on the couch that's in our room. "You know the Elfever weeding!" The what? IS SHE TALKING ABOUT HIM! "I don't know when's the Bixanna weeding?" I ask smiling because I'm proud of my come back and Lisanna starts to blush. "ANYWAYS!! BACK TO ELFEVER! SO how long have you and Elfman been dating?" Like I would ever date him; he is a big oaf who only says man! "WE ARE NOT DATING!" I would never ever like him.... well

Lucy POV
"Hey Levy we should go to the library later today," I suggested, I put my suitcase under my bed. I got the right one while Levy got the left one. There's also a balcony with the most beautiful view of the ocean! I hope Natsu will... WAIT WHAT AM I EVEN TALKING ABOUT! What's up with me I have had Natsu on my mind for a while now... probably bc he's my friend ya that's why! Me and Levy head down stairs ready to leave, I see Mira and Lisanna holding a clip board making plans i guess. "Oh hey where are you two off to?" Mira asked as she looked up from her clipboard, to be honest she looks kinda evil right now.. "We're heading to the library" levy says and we leave to go to the library. We open the doors to the library and ITS SO BIG AND BEAUTIFUL!! There are so many books I can't control my self! Me and levy head off into different sections of the library, I was in the romance section when I accidentally bump into someone, "IM SO SORRY SIR I DIDNT MEAN TO!" I quickly say when he turns around, he has........pink hair!! NATSU! "NATSU!! Since when did you read?!" Why is he here?! "I thought I would give it a shot, have any book suggestions" wow I'm surprised he's reading books but it's also kinda cute. "Well since you asked.."

Levys POV
I didn't find any that I haven't read in the mystery section. I'll just go to the one behind Lucy's. I grab a book THAT SEEMED REALLY GOOD, when I pull it I see NATSU AND LUCY! AWW THERE SO CUTE TOGETHER! Mira would love this! I grab out my camera and takes some pictures of them talking when someone puts there arm on my head. I was going to kick that person off but then I heard a familiar laugh.. "Gihehe, Hey shrimp" G G GAJEEL! "Shhhhh I'm trying to get some pictures for Mira!" I complain, he still hasn't moved his arm off of me but that fine I don't mind it.

Natsu POV When Lucy and Levy left to the library
"Natsuuu Gajeeeeell" What does Mira want? "What is it!" Metal head says but then quickly changes his attitude when Mira gave him the look. "I just say Lucy and levy leave to the library" and when she said that me and Gajeel took off running to the library, the only thing I could think about now is her...

Natsu POV (now)
Wow Lucy has a long list of book ideas. "And those are only my favorites, now here are the books that aren't my favorites but I still love them" and she went on and on but I listen to everything she said, I couldn't help but stare into her beautiful brown eyes. "RUN ITS THE SHE DEVIL!" Gajeel says as he runs with levy on his shoulder kicking him to get off. Then I grab Lucy and take off with her to, I can here Mira chasing after us in her Stan soul. "COME BACK HERE NALU AND GALE!" WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER!

Lol I left on a weird note. Mainly bc my friends (IZ AND AN or BLOWING UP MY PHONE!) also the next chapters will be LONGER

Fairy Tail vacation: Nalu, Gruvia, JERZA, Gale, Elfever, Rowen, Miraxus, bixannaWhere stories live. Discover now