chapter 7

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   kenzies pov

I didnt sleep.  The guilt ate me up inside. I cheated on Dillon. Ugh. Spring break was over and I had school again. I quickly fixed my straightened hair, put on some ripped jeans shorts, a button up shirt but left it unbuttoned , and my boots. I put on a little makeup to cover the redness under my tired eyes. I grabbed my bag, keys, and a piece of toast. I quickly started my truck knowing I was gonne be late.

I parked and was relived that the bell hadnt rang. I saw Taylor and dillon standing with a couple of friends. I tried to sneak past them but Dillon saw me. He ran up to me.

"Hey babe. Are you feeling better?" he said trying to kiss me. I pulled away and frowned. He looked confused.

"whats wrong?" he was getting worried. I could tell. I just shook my head and tried to walk away. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug I couldnt get out of. I fought back but he was to strong.

"Get the fuck off of me!" I yelled. Every head was turned towards me but I didn't care. He finally let go. There was hurt in his eyes. I continued yelling.

"Dillon if I could tell you I would! But I cant! So I think I just need a break!" I was basically crying.

"A break from what?" his voice was soft but cracking. I stared at the ground as the tears poured out.

"From this. From us." I whispered and walked away.

  Dillons pov

She walked away.  I stood there in shock. Almost crying but I knew I had to be strong. The bell rang and I slowly walked to class by myself.

Taylors pov

I watched the whole thing. But so did the whole school. Did she brake up with him becuase of the kiss? I felt bad but at the same time this was my chance to actually win Kenzie over. And thats exactly what I was gonna do. But how?


Sorry this chapter is short but ill update soon.

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