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I woke up with some sounds , ohh god it's harry playing with jaxon some cars and the sound is cars sound ( vrom vrom vroooooooooom ) .

I went to the bathroom , when i finished i wear a black hoodie with black jeans .

I went down and found harry and jaxon playing cars and jazmyn watching her favorite show .

" hey guys " i said it when i walked into the kitchen to make some breakfast for us

Haryy replied " hey , bro sorry for sleeping here yesterday "

I said " don't harry you are my best friend and friends doesn't contain the words sorry and thanks "

He whisperd but i could hear him " thanks "

" harry , jaz , jax , come here breakfast is ready " i shouted while i was putting the last plate .

" were coming , jaxy let's go " harry said

We had the breakfast and i told harry that the lads are coming over he nodded that which mean he agreed .

A moment later

It's 5 o'clock liam and naill are over with louis i saw harry hugging louis like it was the last time he will see him .

Zayn and perrie and gigi also came i was so happy when i found out perrie will come everyone knowes the gigi loves zayn but zayn doesn't like her i feel so bad for her .

louis pov 

Am gonna kill justin why he told him he should've know he feel's bad now .

Harry hugged so hard we staid like this for couple minutes and we went to the kitchen .

The curly haired boy stayed silent and I felt tears stinging his eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He barely suppressed a scoff. "If you just told me everything would be alright " 

Harry thought about it for a moment, then shook his head. 

"No, I wouldn't let him coutinue his life I would've wanted you to be sad , even if it meant I wouldn't be. That's what you want , isn't it? You wanted me happy, even though you yourself weren't." Harry took a deep breath

Harry staid crying , crying , crying , promising me that he will kill him but he  never know's that the guy is Shawn Mendes

Shawn used to be our brother but when he killed our other brother ed for a girl we told him to leave us and we don't need any killer in our friendship he came back a few months with anthor style and name and from that day when he saw me he just raping me and attacking me that's really unbiliveable .

And i don't want to know about that cuz i let them know he would kill my familly .

Shawn used to be my best friend he know's some secret that no one know's about even me i know his secrets .

I tried to hide this thing but when justin saw me i couldn't and i told him .

Harry said after he cried " who is that guy and what his name "

I said to my self do i need to let him know that's shawn did it to me .

Harry, kiss me on my cheek and said " what's wrong with you , who is he ?"

I replied " no nothing "

He said " so who is he , and you better to tell me the truth "

I answered " it's ... it's shaw mendes "

He was full angry when he got outside the room i followed him he sited next to liam and " guys you should help me in this " 

liam replied " what is it mate " he said " all of you remember shawn i'm i right?" Everyone nodded with agreement

He continued " shaw had raped and attacked my love " everyone was shocked " and i won't let him live anymore i want to kill him from inside "


Hey , what's up


See later , in the next chapter

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