~Contest Entry II. The Fall of the Angel of Light 🏅

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This specific entry ended up in the top 11 out of 138 entries! This is a winning entry!

This specific entry ended up in the top 11 out of 138 entries! This is a winning entry!

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Fire burned as he screamed in agony, trying to move away and flapping his wings to bring himself towards safety, but finding himself unable to. The blade sliced open his skin, exposing his grace to the world as the ground beneath his feet split open and Lucifer fell down with a cry.

He held out his hand towards his brother, trying to reach out towards him and searching for the forgiveness he would never receive. Blood dripped down his brother's blade, his blood, and large wings stood tall and proud on Michael's back like raising mountains.

Falling down from the sky, he watched everything he has ever known, everything he has ever loved, slip away from him like water moving through his grasping fingers.

The light from which he came faded away before his very eyes and a raw fear took a hold of him as ice pierced into his heart, he could almost feel the cold and sharp shards into his very being. Opening his mouth, he screamed it out, not caring who could hear him as the wind howled past him and tore deep gashes into his very skin.

The Mark pulsed against his arm like a second heart, steady and strong, and The Darkness whispered to him. Promises of revenge against those who wronged him, to shake the Heavens and Earth alike to their very gore, and most of all, to prove to Father that he had been right all along. Darkness seeped into him, eating away at his very being, and wrapping around him like a warm blanket.

A tremor went through the air and the sky split open in a burst of bright white light. A winged figure jumped through, eyes ablaze in all the fury of Heaven as his brother charged towards him with a pained cry.

Lucifer clenched his jaw together, eyes flashing a fiery red as he concentrated his grace and held out his hand, sending a wave of celestial energy Michael's way. The attack hit Michael square in the chest, but other than making him tumble a bit in the air, it didn't have much effect.

Both Archangels clashed together in the sky, high above the world, with feral cries. Eventually, Michael got the upper hand and he beat down Lucifer.

In a flash, Lucifer saw something glister on Michael's cheek. A single tear. Seeing his brother cry angered him. Why is he crying? He has no right. Lucifer had asked Michael to side with him, as they always have, but he got beaten down... and called a freak and a monster for wanting a mind of his own and deciding to stand up for himself. Michael betrayed him... but only if he knew the real reason.

Gates opened underneath Lucifer's falling form and swallowed him up in darkness and despair as he got sealed away from light and creation itself.

Fire cannot and will not burn in rain, just like the invisible scars inflicted from that day will always remain.


Word count: 500 (author's note not counted!)

Chosen canon character: Lucifer (also Michael in a way, but mostly focused around Lucifer)

I guess this scene can be seen as both 'canon' and 'imaginary'. You could say that it took time before the series in a way (my own version of it!) and for those who haven't figured it out yet; it's Lucifer's fall from Heaven by Michael's hand and under the Mark's influence.

And because I'm such Michifer trash I couldn't resist myself from making a few references to it XD Deal with it

Feedback and opinions are much appreciated - don't be afraid to hold back. Thank you for reading.

Hugs and knives,
~ Luci

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