Odyssey Rewrite 5

388 13 8

We starting off the quartet again.

Michael woke up when the ship seemed to be hit by something, and he looked up to see Rich trying to steer them back on course.

Of course he woke up during an attack.

"Rich how much can the ship take?" Christine was clearly panicking, and nobody had noticed Michael was awake. "Rich!?"

"I don't know!! But we're probably gonna crathh!"

"Aka, hold on to your butts!!" Jake yelled as they passed through a layer of clouds and were shot at again. Rich and Jake were holding each other as tight as possible, Christine was biting her nails, and Michael was just staring out the window as they fell.

Eventually, after what felt like forever of falling, the whole world seemed to go black and Michael passed out.



"Michael...wake up." Michael felt something pushing his shoulder from side to side and seen Christine staring down at him worriedly. "Oh thank Grambi you're alive. He's okay guys!!" She yelled and Rich and Jake gave thumbs up as they went back to fixing the ship.

"What happened?" Michael asked, rubbing his head and feeling bandages.

"You...well we got hit by one of Squip's airships. It caused the ship to crash, and you were injured with some glass. It cut your skin so Jake bandaged you up. You've been passed out for a while now." She explained and Michael forced his body up and looked around at the environment.

They were on some sort of deserted jungle island. It was practically abandoned save for a few animals. And surrounding the island was some sort of intoxicated purple goo.

"Dang it. Now how are we supposed to catch up with them? We don't even know where we are." Michael whined and Christine patted his back.

"Rich has a map, I'm sure he could tell you where we're at...granted it is some sort of bare island but that means there's a lot to look around for while he and Jake fix the ship."

"I...I guess." The two stood up and looked at how tall the island really was, as there was a large, mountain like region in the center.

"C'mon. We should check it out, maybe we can find something useful." Christine began walking off and Michael trudged behind her, upset that he had failed to save Jeremy back at the Secret Flower Field.

The two got a little ways up the island before hearing a loud squaking sound, and before Michael could blink twice, a giant bird creature had grabbed Christine and flew to the top of the island.

He began running up the mountain structure, ignoring the creatures trying to hurt him. He didn't care if they did. He just needed to save his best friend.

"Put me down you stupid bird brain!" Christine was scratching at the bird's feet, trying to find a way to escape its grasp and failing.

She heard footsteps and seen Michael standing on this high peak, his hands on fire as he looked up at the bird, which began flying yet again. 

He shot at it, trying to hit it so it would come towards him and drop Christine, but instead, it flung her towards the peak and flew away.

"Chris!!" Michael ran to the ledge just in time for Christine to grab it and pull herself up, but almost fall off in the process. "I got you, it's okay." Both rolled back on to land and Christine was shaking from fear. "You alright?"

"Yeah just...frightened, that's all." She began hugging Michael for comfort, and he didn't think anything badly of it, because she'd always been this way. Instead, he just stroked her hair to calm her down.

That was until they both heard yelling, realizing it was Rich and Jake at the island's bottom.

"We have to climb down now don't we?" Michael mumbled and Christine nodded. He sighed and picked her up, to her surprise, and began making his way down the mountain, much slower than he'd climbed up, and he got to take in the scenery.

There were many many tropical like trees, but there was also ruin like structures surrounding the island. He looked up and seen the sunset, and realized he'd been at this chase for a day.

When they reached the bottom, they noticed Rich packing his backpack up with fruit from the trees.

"Rich, babe, are you sure this is safe?" Jake questioned and Rich nodded, finally stuffing the last fruit inside and closing his bag.

"Thethe fruitth are mentioned in thome of my thurvival guideth. They're harmlethth."

"Okay...oh guys, you're back."

"Yep." Christine hopped out of Michael's arms and stretched a bit, readjusting her hat and smiling. "I got caught by a bird."

"And I had to almost kill that bird."

"Wow. Well we fixed the thhip while you two were doing that tho we can leave now."

"Meaning we can save Jeremy faster...okay guys get in, we gotta get to...where is it again Rich?" Michael's voice got very squeaky with the question and Rich pointed to a marked location on his map.

"The Metro Kingdom, aka, New Pink Thity."

"Alright weets get going then!


"I can't believe you tried to escape, Miah. I thought you knew better than that!" Jeremy was currently taking a harsh tone lecture in from Squip, not being very fond of it. "You tried to escape before and ended up hurting yourself. Remember!?"

Jeremy nodded slowly.

"Which means I have to keep you on some sort of lockdown...hmm...I got it." Squip walked over and picked the prince up, carrying him down to a lower point on the ship and into a cell. Before he put him inside, he found a chain link ball and clamped it around Jeremy's ankle. "There. Now you won't try to escape, will you?"

Jeremy didn't respond. He just shook his head as he was locked inside the cell and left alone in the cold room.

He looked out the window of the tiny room and seen the night sky. How he missed seeing it from his room, his and Michael's room...how he missed Michael...and seeing him earlier only made that longing feeling worse.

Jeremy pulled out a picture from his boot and smiled a bit at the sight of all his friends and himself together...he gently put it back inside the boot and laid down on the floor, starting to cry and eventually sobbing until he could hardly breathe...

Eventually, however, he calmed down and went to sleep, his dreams satisfying his longing feeling...making it seem like he was with Michael again...when in reality he knew he wasn't.

But he knew he would be.

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