Chapter: 1

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"So tell me again why you're leaving me in the middle of our senior year of high school?" My best friend Dana say's.

We are currently laying down on her trampoline in her back yard. It's my last day hanging out with my best friend since preschool.

"You know why I'm leaving!" I say sadly to her, "my mom got a promotion and she's been waiting for this for a while now. What kind of daughter would I be if I didn't let her take it. Plus you know about how staying here just reminds her of how my dad left us, and how crippled it left us, her more then me, so I think a new setting will be good for us!"

"Yeah I know but what am I supposed to do with out you Nikki, you're my best friend! I wish you could stay with me but I know that I wont be able to convince you to stay because you wont leave your mom, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm really going to miss you!" Dana say's sitting up to give me a hug goodbye, I hug her back thinking about the very first day that we met.


I was sitting on the swings during recess minding my own buisness, it was my first day of preschool so I hadn't yet made any friends. I was watching a girl my age playing in the sandbox trying to build up the confidence to go and introduce myself, when out of no where a group of four guys about a year older then me come over and start to harrass me.

"Hey squirt move you're on my swing!" Said one of the boys coming over to me, then pushes me off the swing. I land hard on my butt and instantly the boy and his friends laugh at my expence.

"Hey!" I yell at the boy as tears prick my eyes, but he just ignores me an then goes and sits on the swing with his friends fallowing his lead.

"Hey!" I yell again finally getting their attention, they all turn the heads towards me.

"What?!" The boy who pushed me off say's in an irritated tone.

"You-" I started to say before I was cutt off by a new voice.

"Colby!" The voice yells, I turn around to find a girl my age running over to us looking very mad. The girl stops when she makes it to where im still sitting from being pushed to the ground and offers out her hand to me. Taking her hand she helps me up then goes back to giving the boy the evil eye. "Colby don't be a jerk to the new girl she hasn't done anything to you, so leave her alone!" The girl yells.

"Yes she has, she took my swing!" The boy who's name I just found out is Colby argues with the girl while the rest of us just stand there and watch the whole seen, "Everyone know that, that is my swing set and nobody except for me and my friends are allowed on it!"

"It's not just your swing, its there for everybody including her,and if you don't let her back on I'm going to tell mom that you are being a bully who can't share!" The yells back, and that seemed to get Colby's attention because he gathered his friends and they all walked away, but not before giving us both the evil eye.

"Thank you!" I said to the girl while getting back on the swing, I was half expecting her to go back to what she was doing before but instead she came and took the swing next to me.

"No problem, im sorry about my brother he can be a big bully sometimes!" The girl says then offers her hand again and say's, "My name is Dana!"

"My name is Nicole, but everyone calls me Nikki!" I say putting my hand in hers and we shake hands, and from that moment we were inseperable.


"Hey Nikki what are you thinking about?" Dana say's bringing me back to reality.

"I was thinking about the first day we met and became best friends!" I say looking over at her to find the biggest smile on her face.

"Oh yeah i remember that day like it was yesterday!" She say's laughing lightly at the memory "I remember how we became friends, my stupid brother was picking on you so I came over and started yelling at him to leave you alone, I threatend telling on him to our mother and ever since then we have been inseperable" She finishes then looks over to me her big smile turning into a sad smile,"I should really thank my brother even though what he did to you wasn't nice, if it wasn't for him I wouldn't of had the courage to talk to you and we wouldn't of become best friends!"

"Yes we would have!" I told her giving her another hug, "speaking of Colby where is your bully of a brother?" I ask jokingly.

Over the years that I had spent hanging out with Dana, I had started to developed a huge crush on her older brother Colby. At first I had hated Colby because every time I went over their house to hang out with Dana, Colby would be there and make it his lifes mission to make fun of me and send me home crying. I had thought for the longest time that he hated me, it wasnt until Dana and I started middle school that I noticed a difference about Colby. Colby first stole my heart when he stood up for me when some mean girl was making fun of my piggy tale braids that I was wearing.

"I'm right here Nikki!" Say's a manly voice that sends chills down my spine, I look over at the doorway to the back yard and see Colby in all his sexy glory leaning on the door frame smirking in my direction, I jump off the trampoline and run over to him and wrap him in a hug, "Whoa there tiger!" Colby says wrapping his arms around me.

"I'm going to miss you Colby!" I say into his chest, as he rubs my back with one of his hands.

"I know Nikki I'm going to miss you too, you're like a sister to me!" He says pulling away from the hug while ripping my heart in half as well. You see just because I have had a crush on him dosen't mean he has ever felt the same way, and I never had the nerve to tell him how I feel because I new deep down it was wrong to feel that for my best friends brother, plus I didn't want to lose my friendship with Dana. I never told her how I felt about her brother because I never new how she would take it.

"Well I should be heading home to pack the last of my things because the moving truck will be at my house in 3 hours!" I say to both Dana and Colby giving them both one last hug goodbye.


"Nicole we're here!" My mom say's shaking me awake. I look out the window to see that we are parked in the driveway of our new house, and the moving truck is parked on the side of the street already unloading stuff.

"Ok!" I yawn unbuckling my seatbelt and getting out of the car. "Wow!" I say when I get my first good look at our house, "Mom this place is gorgeous!"

"If you think the outside of the house looks gorgeous, just wait until you step foot inside!" Mom say's as we both stare in awe at our new house. We stay silent for a few minutes before my mom decides to break it, " I think this new start will be good for us!" She say's in a whisper, almost as if she is saying it to herself.

"Yeah, so where is my new room?" I ask her eager to not have the conversation about how this move will be good for us, because I honestly don't want to think of that right now.

"Oh right, your room is on the second floor and it's the first door on the left, I think you will really like it!" She says urging me to go and find it.

"Ok thanks mom I'm going to go and start unpacking then!" I tell her, and start my journy of finding my room.

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