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                      *Nikki's POV*


"Hey Nikki wait up!" I hear someone yell to me as I'm walking to my Aquatic Ecology class with my head down.   It's been one weeks since I moved here and since that false rumor about me spying on my neighbor while he was having sex with that bitch Tiffany.
    To say I was absolutely mortified about that rumor would be an understatement. For the rest of that week I got strange stares and people whispering behind my back. So needless to say the only friend I made was  Sandy who new all of it was bull shit, but at least her brother Ryan the idiot who started all of this has left me be after that, with the exception of the occasional times I catch him staring at me. 
        "Hey Nikki!" I hear the voice again, only this time right next to me. I look to the side to find its that guy I ran into before lunch on my first day, he's looking down at me with a cute smile stretched on his face.
"Oh hey...Evan right?" I say trying to remember his name.
            "Right, so how have you been liking it here so far?" He asks. My face tinges pink thinking about how hellish it's been. 
                 "Oh you know, I enjoy being the talk of the school for a rumor that is a complete and utter lie, oh and I love having people who don't know a damn thing about me whispering behind my back, and staring at me like I'm a freak! So you know the usual hell for a new student!" I say bitterly, I instantly cover my mouth regretting just yelling at him. "I'm sorry, its not your fault, it just sucks being  the new girl!"

            "Hey it's totally fine, I herd what happened, I would be pretty pissed too, and for future reference just don't pay any attention to Ryan or his dick friends they should eventually leave you alone!" He says

      "Thanks Evan!" I say listening to his advise knowing how hard it will be when the dick him self is in a lot of my classes, not to mention he is the devil sibling of the only friend I have seemed to make so far. 

      "No problem beautiful!" He says giving me a wink before draping his arm over my shoulder.

               "Umm...yeah!" I say awkwardly trying to hide my discomfort of all the stares we are getting and the discomfort of him being this close to me. Thankfully I see that we are reaching my class so I try to discreetly remove his arm from around me. "Well this-"    

         "Move!" A deep sexy voice interrupts me. I look up to see its the devil himself aka Ryan looking hot as ever. He doesn't seem to notice me though as his glare is completely directed toward Evan, and when I go to move out of his way his hand shoots out to the small of my back causing a serge of electricity to go through my body stopping me in my tracks. My cheeks heat up instantly at the mere touch of his hand on my body, and I just stand there waiting for either Ryan to remove his hand or for either one of them to move, as I feel like my feet are glued to the freaking ground. 

          "Hey sorry dude I was just walking this cutie to her class!" Evan says giving me a creepy wink before looking at Ryan with an evil smirk, the kind of smirk that sent a shiver down my spine and not in a good way.

          " Evan!" I say finally finding the ability to walk again, and I walk away from this awkward encounter and go straight to my seat looking down the whole time too embarrassed to look at anyone.  

            "Okay class everyone sit down, and go to your own class!" The teacher yelled glaring at Ryan and Evan who were still locked in their stare down. 

     As everyone is running to their seats I catch Ryan walk closer an whisper something threatening to Evan, who looked the slightest bit scared, but he quickly recovered with a smirk looking over to me before saying something back to Ryan leaving Ryan looking as tense as can be.

              "What the hell  was that about!?"  I thought to myself looking down at my desk confused. I look back up only to catch the eyes of Ryan who is now standing at the desk right next to me.  

     "What the hell you looking at freak!?" He said glaring at me, he still looked as tense as ever.

     "N-nothing s-sorry!" I stutter both embarrassed that I got caught staring at him. I can feel him staring at me as I refused to look his way, for fear of causing even more of a spectacle of myself.

           "Okay class today we're going to just be doing some book work, so read chapters-" The teacher was cut off by the door opening to reveal the queen bee Tiffany, who also helped contribute to my lack of friends in this school. 

           "Sorry I'm late, I got caught up in a great book!" Tiffany said giving her lame excuse to the teacher on why she was late. I rolled my eyes at the lame excuse she gave, I mean one look at the bitch and you can tell she has never picked up a book once in her life, let alone reading for fun. I guess I must have been staring for too long because she caught me and glared in my direction seeing that Ryan was in the seat beside me.

           "Just take your seat Ms. Anderson!" The teacher said rolling his eyes obviously not buying her excuse either. Tiffany just shrugs her shoulders looking for a seat when she spots  the empty seat behind Ryan, smiling widely she starts walking over but not before sending me another glare probably for taking the seat she would much rather be in.    

        "Anyways as I was saying class we are doing book work today so open your books to chapters 12 & 13 and read and answer the questions at the end, you may work with partners if you want, okay begin!" The teacher finished going back to his desk to probably look through his personal emails.

Everyone got up to go sit near their friends, most likely taking this as an opportunity to talk instead of work. I got my book out trying my best to read the chapters assigned to us, but with all the talking I found my self rereading the same paragraph five times not retaining a single thing.

       "So your the new chick huh?" A voice says beside me, I look to the side to find a girl I haven't seen before in this class smiling wide at me with her pearly white teeth. She had long curly brunet hair, hazel eyes, and tan skin. She was gorgeous and looked like she could definitely be friends with Tiffany.

      Putting my defenses up I say shyly to her, "Yeah that would be me!" Her smile diminishes the slightest bit when she sees I'm not smiling back.

       "I'm Loretta, but you can call me Retta!" She says with a big smile again, putting out her hand for me to shake.

       "N-Nicole, but e-everyone c-calls me Nikki!" I stutter shyly ignoring her hand. Laughter breaks out beside me, and I know automatically who it is just by her annoying high pitched laugh and his irritatingly sexy one.

     "Really because I thought your name was freak!" Says the annoying queen bitch falling back into a fit of laughter, by this point the whole class has gone quiet and is listening to this whole confrontation. I look down at my desk as embarrassment, hurt, and anger come over me. I risk a glance over at my two bully's to find Ryan looking at me with a smirk as Tiffany is still laughing her ass off.

      "Look at her she's about to cry, she's so pathetic!" One of the other students whose name I don't know or care to know says causing everyone to laugh now. I continue to look down as the tears start to build up in my eyes.

     "Wow you really are pathetic aren't you!"  My inner voice says just making me feel worse.

         I look up again at all the laughing faces only to see a few giving me looks of sympathy, a single tear escapes my eye as I look back at Ryan who I swear had a look of guilt but it went  back to that smirk before I could really be sure. 

           "What the hell are you looking at freak!" Ryan says with a look of disgust, and that was the last straw, that's all it took for me to be excusing myself to the bathroom to cry.

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