Chapter One

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"Show me love!" Alice Cullen raised the silver camera as she danced up to me in the crowded hallway.

I sucked in a sharp breath through my teeth and turned my face away, just as the white flash illuminated the right side of my face. Grimacing, i cast my gaze back to the vampire, who was smiling slyly. "That is going to turn out beautifully," she predicted.

I smiled with the unmangled half of my lips, but if did not reach my eyes. "I believe you," i said blandly. I did. I would never question Alice's ability to see the future, and if the agonized looks she often cast my way said anything at all, it said my future was dark indeed.

It was with that same look that she winced, blinked, flashed a quick, departing smile, and then glided down the staircase, causing the papers on the bulletin to flutter in the breeze she created, the only audible sign of her passing.

My hand ran along the cool iron railing as i hesitated for a moment, watching the other students bustle through the halls, heading to their 5th hour classes. After a futile attempt of my mind to find justification for skipping the class, I finally heaved a sigh and pushed off the railing, following Alice's route down the stairs.

It was raining, as it always was in Forks, Washington, but today it was raining heavy. I was quickly soaked as I crossed campus to find the gym building. I was hit with a draft as i walked in, making me shiver.

With some inevitable hesitation, i slowly began peeling the wet clothes from my skin.

Dragged down my face and throat, then drug still further across my shoulder and down my back, was the ragged fault line of my scar. It was a volcano, red and angry and slightly puckered, and i knew that as surely as I would, that fault line would someday erupt.

I clenched my teeth and avoided looking at anyone else as i changed for P.E.  I could feel their eyes on me, their gossiping whispers at my back as i locked up my damp clothes and exited into the main gym.

I quickly searched out the golden eyes in the room, and they locked with mine as i walked across the polished floor steadily. Immediately, a wave of contentment rolled over me, consuming everything else. I sighed in relief and smiled at Jasper. He knew the anxiety this class in particular caused me.

After roll was called, i joined the team i was assigned, and went through the motions of volleyball, even facing up against my vampire brother. As always, he hit it gingerly across the net with perfect precision, but much control.

After the hour was over, i changed into the dry outfit i kept in my locker, moving quickly, and briskly exited the building, wet clothes overhead. It had slowed down to a drizzle now, and the sky was white, a sign that i learned often meant there was a break in the weather soon.

My predictions were confirmed when Alice appeared at my side. "The sun is coming out this afternoon. We decided we'd better leave school early just to be safe," she said in her bell tone voice, ever chipper.

My natural disposition was constant depression, and the near perpetual rain of Forks made the mood almost befitting.

The prospect of sunlight made my day seem just a little brighter, literally and figuratively. I felt my eyes convey that pleasure. Alice clapped her hands together. "In fact, we're free already. Carlisle called in to excuse us. They're all waiting with Edward in the Volvo."

I suddenly felt excited. One of the perks of being in a vampire coven, is that on sunny days, for the most part, when my siblings skipped school to go 'camping', i was pulled out too. After all, while i may not sparkle, it would sure be suspicious if i were the only Cullen attending classes when the sun shone. Especially since i was the only one of the six of us without golden eyes, pale white skin, and an utterly flawless body.

I followed Alice, almost feeling as chipper as her, across the parking lot. I should have known, when the feeling became more intense, that Jasper was the culprit. After all, wherever Alice went, her mate was not far away. He appeared beside her and i grinned at him with unnatural glee, even skipping a bit.

I could already feel the sunshine on my face as i anticipated it. I would lay by the river reading a book, or maybe dance around in the didn't really matter- I'd cherish every second, feeling the way Jasper was manipulating me to at the moment.

The feeling, naturally, faded though when we reached the Volvo, and Alice and Japer abandoned me to ride with Rosalie. They were already peeling out of the parking lot as i was just climbing into Edward's silver Volvo.

I sobered, the false emotions fading as I clipped on my seatbelt, the sound of classical music lifting the cool air around us. I crossed one leg over the other as Edward pulled silently out of the parking space, ever as depressed as i was, ever as somber as the mood that was settling back onto me.

Overhead, however, the sky was already clearing, and a little beam of sunlight sent a hundred diamonds refracting light briefly across Edward's perfect, porcelain face as we sped through the town.

*Heaves a big sigh* Okay! I really hope you enjoyed meeting Melanie Cullen!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2018 ⏰

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