New kids

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Anna pov

I got done putting on my stuff I got downstairs "hi mum&dad" I said "hi sweetheart"mum&dad said when my sister came downstairs they went all Sweetheart on her I rolled my eyes "mom&dad can I have some money for lunch"she said mum and dad give her 20 bucks I then ask If I could have 20 bucks but they said they give the last of it to my sister I rolled my eyes I sat down and eat my toast... then I heard a horn "see you mom&dad"i said my mum and dad looked up and smile "bye have fun at school"mum&dad said my smile went down I could tell it was a fake smile they gave me I got up and walked to the door well gabbing my book bag i went out and got in the car, my BFF was picking me from my house "did you hear there are new students at school"she ask well pulling out of the driveway "I did not hear but more kids to pick on me anyway"i said when we got to school were walking I bumped into someone fell on my butt I got back up and said "sorry didn't see you there"i said when I look up there were people girls that look Liked us"it OK my Taylor but call me Tay if you want do you want be friends you look like you like stuff like us"Tay said "oh yeah my name Anna that Lucy over there"i said "sure i forgot to introduce you to my sisters the girl with purple hair name is Alex but we call her Al and my other sister a with red her is Emily but we call her em"Tay said " HEY HEY MY NAME Is EMILY BUT CALL ME EM" em said or more like scream " hey my name Alex but call me al"Al said I nodded "nice to meet you"me and lucy said .....Time skip to lunch me and Lucy,Al,Em and Tay sat down me and Lucy thought we are going to ask they to be in our  band" hey girls do you want to be our band"Lucy and I said at the same time the three girls look at each then yell YES ,Time skip at the end of the day me and Lucy say bye to our new friends Other Time Skip sorry I just got home and I went inside all I hear is one Direction I go upstairs I yell at my annoying sister to shut up I went to my to my bedroom and listen to King for a day by Ptv I hear my mom calling us down for dinner after we finish I went to bathroom got a shower shaved etc and when I got out got change I went to bed listening to Bvb,Ptv, AA ,a7x,I fell a sleep to wake up by bvb
​​​hope you like it-Foxchan03


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