finding what..?

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Anna POV

I woke up and got up and walked down stairs and got some pop and sandwich and walked into the living room and sat and put ghost adventures on,half way though the episode I looked down at the floor and saw thought well grabbing it I looks at it 'Omg i-i am real name is Blaze black and I am 15 years old not 17 I was born on October 3 03, wait family....OMG Lucy is m-my sister'i though well feeling tears going down my face I grabbed my phone and called Lucy (L= LUCY AND B=BLAZE)

Heyyy sis-L



I-i am y-your s-sisster-B

Yea I know I am ur sisters,we made each other sisters when we met-L

N-no i-i mmean, you are my blood ssister,I found my adopted and my real name is Blaze black and I am born on October 3 03 -B

W-what..omg b-baby sis-L

B-big s-sisster-B

Omg I am coming to get you, get your stuff packed up-L

Ook sis ii love you big sis-B

I love u to little sis,I am leaving now-L

Otay sis-B

We both hung up and I got up and ran to my room a started packing all my clothes and everything and put my adoption papers in my bag and ran down the downstairs and stopped when I saw my so called parents and so called twin sister they walked closer to me and then I hear "and my sis holding a gun "IF YOU EVER COME NEAR MY LITTLE SISTER AGAIN I WILL KILL YOU AND DON'T THINK ABOUT GOING TO THE COPS MY DAD WORKS THERE SO YOU CANT DO ANYTHING" sis yelled I flinch at her yelling sis walked over to me"come let's get you home ok?"sis said well helping me up well walking me in to the car and closing my door and running back inside "SIS WHAT U DOING GET BACK HERE"i yelled well banging on the window I saw her come back out with the folder in her hand and she ran in to the driver's seat and started the car and started driving I slowly closed my eyes but I kept opening then well trying not to fall asleep I keep doing it again in till I hear my sis talking to me "you can go to sleep blaze i know you are tried"lucy said to me well I nodded and slowly closed my eyes and started to fall asleep the last thing I hear was "I love you baby sister I will always love you no matter what" and then I fell asleep

Published:oct 1 2019
Edited: may 6 2020
Edited:june 23 2020

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2021 ⏰

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