Chapter 2

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Lincoln couldn't believe his eyes!

Infront of him was a 13 year old girl. The Boss was a female brunette that had freckles that dusted her cheeks. She wore her hair up in a ponytail and her hidden grin was now fully visible.

Lincoln: LYNN???????

Lincoln just stared at the person infront of him! The BOSS was her sister this whole time!

Lynn: The one and only! *Chuckles* That look on your face though! You look stupid! 

Lynn continued to burst into laughter as Lincoln just stared at Lynn with his mouth opened by shock. Lynn stopped laughing as she closed Lincoln's mouth.

Lynn: Now about that price! You owe me later at home!

Lincoln: L-Lynn?? Y-You are the Boss???!?!

Lynn: *Annoyed* How many times do i have to tell you! YES! Yes I am!

Lynn grabs a candy cigarette, to Lincoln surprise, he shouted.

Lincoln: I am gonna tell dad that you are smoking already in this low age!!!!

Francisco: Never speak like that to our boss! Especially to my love! *Cracks his knuckles ready to pounce him*

Lynn: *Stops Francisco* Don't! Lincoln, Lincoln, Lincoln... *Chuckles* This is only Candy! Try it! *Throws a candy to Lincoln*

Lincoln: *Sucks the candy* Yeah, this is pretty good...

Lynn is having a good time as her friends just smiled at Lynn.

Lynn: Now let's beat this thing up!

Lincoln: N-Not me! Please!

Lynn: Not you doofus! The bullies you dang got! Common sense bro! *About to punch Lincoln*

Lincoln: *Cowers* Dont punch me!

Lynn: Two for flinching! Ehehehehe

Lynn playfuly punched Lincoln in the arm as Lincoln shakes and sighed...

Lincoln: Okay... W-We need to have a pla-

Lynn: Shh! *puts her index finger in Lincoln's lips* Who needs plans when you got this?! *Flexes her muscle*

The Pack: YEAH!

Lincoln: *Facepalm* This isnt gonna end well...

Lynn: Trust us! We're feared, ain't we?

Lincoln: Uhmm... O-Ofcourse!

Lynn: And why's that?

Lincoln: Because ur the boss...?

Lynn: Exactly. And why'm I boss?

Lincoln: Cuz you are uhmm... Strong and fearless!

Lynn: Exactly! My thinking...

Lincoln just looked at Lynn with a confused look. He muttered under his breath.

Lincoln: Lack off...

Goons: Excuse me? 

The Goons had their fist ready, ready to pummel Lincoln into tiny pieces.

Lincoln: I-I mean... Uhhh... Please continue!

Lynn: Like I was saying. My way of thinking has gotten me this far, so don't you worry... All you gotta do is pay the price and bam! You've got you're own hit-men...

Lincoln: O-Okay, can I go now for a while and refresh my brain as I process that my sister is a boss of all of this? Can I?

Lynn: Go ahead. 

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