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Getting out of my car I walked to the door of the shop searching for the key I sighed as I could hear the shops phone ring, unlocking the shop I walked in by myself I hurried to the phone "Crimson sword how may I help you today?" "Hi I was just calling to confirm an appointment for three later today?" I sat my bag down grabbing a pen and looking at our scheduled book "Name please" "Chris. S" "Yes its here for three and four o'clock, correct?" "Correct great see you guys then" Chris hung up as I did. 

The bell at our door rung, leaving Jeremy to walk in smiling at me "Morning Charlotte" I smiled softly and gave a nod "got a confirm just now for three at four I take one and you take one leave Jason to run the front?" Jeremy nodded taking a sip of his redbull "sounds good to me, come on we got people coming in to get ink'd up lets do this!" I smiled and walked to my "office" and got everything cleaned up and ready for the first client I wiped down my chair and smiled as I smelled the scent of the soap "man, do I love this job" after cleaning walked back to the front and waited for our first client

"Alright you're all done, I sat my gun down pulling my gloves off and smiling up at the client, "you want to stand up and look at it?" They nodded and walked towards the mirror "it looks perfect Charlie thanks again for filling me in for today"
"No problem" "You doing anything later on today" "me and Jeremy got three clients coming in later" "ah, that sucks. Well I'll see you some other time" I smiled and waved goodbye before I started cleaning my chair and my work space. I walked to my light box set down one of my old drawings and started drawing more details on it but before I had even sat down I heard talking and laughter so I had to see what all the fuss was about.

Grabbing my energy drink and step out to the front smiling "Oh man that's so funny, oh Charlie this is our four o'clock this is Chris, Taylor and Nate "Nice to meet you guys" the guy with longer hair took my hand and kissed the back of my hand. I felt my face heat up as I laughed "Who here is going first" "I am" the long hair guy said Jeremy gave a nod and pointed at a shaggy hair guy who didn't look to bad "Chris you next or Nate?" "Yeah I'm next Jeremy, Nate here is getting his first tattoo so I'll be going before him" "great, Charlie you able to handle him?" I laughed and waved Chris over "I can take him" I winked at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2018 ⏰

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