Chapter 20

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The moment had come, the one that I had been dreading. Like all our important events, I waited at the bottom of the stairs with the boys, waiting for Eliza to appear. But this time, I was staying home.

"Are you sure about us having the night off, Patrick?" Nickola asked, with true care in his voice.

If I had an ability to smile, I would have. Oh Nickola, always kind. Something that I envied from time to time.

"I'm sure," I reassured him before we quickly turned to silence.

It was undeniably awkward. None of them knew what to say and I couldn't blame them. My outburst today hadn't helped the situation and I hadn't been the easiest to deal with.

"What will you do with your night off, Piero?" Garrick asked, striving to make conversation.

He shrugged, not giving it too much thought, "Might hit the new club in town. It's Friday night, things might get exciting."

Alberto snorted, winning a glare from Piero, "Please, you haven't got any action in months. Nothing will get exciting for you tonight."

"You don't know that," He snapped, defensive.

"Ah, we share a wall. I definitely know," Alberto chuckled, igniting snorts amongst us.

I even managed to crack a smile.

"Oh okay, is it pick on Piero day?" he demanded, putting his hands on his hips.

"Calm down, Piero," Antonio snickered, "No need to get testy."

My lips squeezed tight, trying to hold in my laughter at my friend's suspense.

"You always do hold on to things," Alberto joined in.

"No need to be so wound up," Garrick contributed.

"You must –."

"Okay, okay, I get it. It's pick on Piero day," Piero stopped them, rising his hands up in defeat.

"Yes, you lot should be ashamed of yours," I snapped, holding in my chuckles, "all his time with Alberto must be rubbing off on him."

"Hey!" Alberto snapped, as the others chuckled at his suspense.

That's right. Whatever goes around, comes around.

"Are you fellas done, or what?"

My heart skipped at beat at the sound of Eliza's voice, causing my body to spin without command. My eyes grew ten times their size as I looked upon her, taking in every delicious inch.

The black dress flowed down her body effortlessly, forming like a puddle at her feet. The apron style neckline showed off her collarbone, while shaping her chest in a classy and nonobvious manner. Her blonde locks were curled, bouncing off her shoulders while hiding simple loop earrings that hung from her ears.  She was simply beautiful, just like a black swan.

  She was simply beautiful, just like a black swan

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