The Unbearable Truth

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Rachel P.O.V

Once we were in the room, just waiting for the sun to slip in. We both brushed up our mornings and we were set to go to our homes. We left Greene's house and pulled up to our homes.

I went to my room and my room was as messed up as my hair. I ignore the mess and run to the shower. I barely time to clean the mess and I literally had another 10mins to school. I could not miss the class because my favourite classes begins from this day on. FASHION, my passion. I put some shorts and t-shirt which says s.a.v.a.g.e and pulled to keys. I didn't text Martin nor did I call him. I guess he'll be late to school today. I walk to my gate with keys in my hand and foot on fire jumping and running towards the car. To my surprise, Martin had just pulled up to pick me. It was pretty nice of him to come and take me to school. As per the schedule he didn't have any class in the morning. Well, he's my man.

"Uhh! Hi Martin, nice to see you"

"Get in sweetie"

"Coming" I hop up the seat.

"Comfy enough?" he asks with a cute smile and my heart melted.

"Very much" I said and pecked my on his cheek.

"Umm.. can I get more of em then?" He asks and winks at me.

"Later alligator" I say and he pulls the gear with a smile.

"You don't have a class in the morning. Isn't it?" I ask.

"Wanted to see you honeybunch" he says and the speedmeter was 120km/hr.

My"Aww-" turned to "ohohoho" as the car hit the taxi opposite to us.

My heart sank. I didn't know what to do!

I see Martin and his head is down on the steering wheel and blood flowing down the car. I jump down the car and I see a pool of blood already. I my brain stopped functioning.
Tears fell off my face. I dig my bag like a monster for the phone to call the ambulance.
I was screaming "ambulance, ambulance, ambulance".
People had already created the chaos. Fortunately, the ambulance came in less than a minute. They took him to the hospital and put him in the hospital bed and the white sheets had already started to turn red by Martin's blood. My heart was thumping louder that another country could hear my heartbeat. I sweating heavily. The doctors asked me to relax and sit on the couch next to the ICU. The word ICU itself sounds so dangerous for. I don't know what Martin would be going through, his head was torn apart. A huge-huge cut, because they hit the steering wheel so hard. Even his arms were bleeding. I was dying to see him. The doctors were doing their job and I was dying to just feel his presence back. The only thing that was going on in my head was "Martin should talk to me when I see him in the ICU". And nothing else. I called Joe immediately and he informed Martin's parents, and I had not even met them before. I knew it's gonna be hard now. Joe was 10times as worried as me. Everyone were just in front of my eyes in the speed of light. Martin's mom rushed to me and learned what happened with a wet face. His dad was paying the bills. Joe walked up to me somehow tryna convince me that he's gonna be fine. But I knew it wasn't that easy. He was in an ICU undergoing some serious surgery or whatever. My heart was thumping every second. And the shiver in my heart was so bad, that it could drop off my body any second. I didn't want anything to happen to him no matter what that might cost. I never imagined him in this type or situation.

After around 30mins or some, doctors walked to Martin dad, his face was waiting for a response from the doctor. He asked "is Martin fine!!?"
He replied "maybe he will"
I heart dropped at the word called *maybe*.
I ran to the doctor with tears rolling in my eyes "what do you mean by maybe? We want him to be with us as always" with a demanding voice. The doctor said shaking his head "you must have paitence dear"
Martin's dad interrupted asking "what's happening doctor? When will he be fine, when can we take him back home?" thinking practically.
"I just can't say anything, I can assure you that he'll be fine. I'm not sure about his memory".
"What are you talking doctor?" Asked his mom sobbing. "Yes ma'am, I cannot assure you about that, you must behave like everything is fine and normal, he is not in his concious now"
"We have to wait for him to get his concious back".
I'm waiting like so bad. No one has any clue. I just wanted to run inside and wake him up and hug him. That's all. No one was clearly allowed inside until, Martin got his concious back. I had a very strong feeling that he won't forget his parents at least.

It was such a chaos now.
Martin couldn't even recognize his parents, that was quite saddening. I couldn't digest that fact. He obviously didn't recognize me too. He wanted rest and his brain should not undergo any pressure.
When we approached him he could not recognize any of us. He just saw out faces and vaguely rolled his eyes, tryna figure out what's happening with him, but he has no clue, he looked at me and asked "what's happening?" . I had no answer. "Well, you just need some rest, you'll be fine" I replied.
"But, can I know who are you all?" He asked.
"I'm your mother, Martin" his mom answered. The ICU door opens and doctor interrupted saying "you'll must leave, we have to give him medication".

His dad walks up the the doctor and asked "doctor, he doesn't remembers any of us! What do we do?".
"That's exactly why the medication is going on, if you people leave us alone, we'll accomplish our job and make sure your son is safe and sound".

His dad got all emotional. "Plea.. please doctor, do something!" He pleaded sobbing.

I did not know how to do that second, I have was just holding on to Joe's hand very tight and he understood that I was very shook by what actually happened.



Been very, very long I know.

None of you'll expected this! Did ya'll?

Anyways, this was a very sad type story. Ugh, I felt so bad, when I myself was writing.

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I hope this chapter was good.
Have a good day :)


Much love ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2018 ⏰

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