chapter II: Missing pieces

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Santiago, phillipines

As I stopped by the river, I saw trails of fallen embers that are still lit up.
Surprisingly when I tried to touch one it did not even hurt or burn.

Then I continue walking...

While I was walking the sun begans to set .I forgot what the owl have said to me.

So I just run away stopping at a burnt little cottage we're all the embers had settled down.
As I open the door and went inside the embers started building and remaking the cottage into a theatre .

By the middle of the stage a suspicious  man appear and it started playing the piano


"How come you made this far ?"


I am looking for my toy cat .


"You mean this "


Thank you sir... Wait a minute how come you have my toy?


It just started dancing when I played my piano


Staring through the Toy's eye it started moving, I was shocked as the toy moved and accidentally throwing it .


Why would you throw such a little thing? You went to find in here just for that and just throwing it away.


Sorry, by the way what's your name?


Just call me gimhk


Gimhk? What does it means.


It means Genorimo Indigo MalikHak Koron


As he tells a short story I began to yawn and fell asleep. The next morning as I wake up I suddenly appeared in my room. Because of excitement I ran towards the path I take last night, even wearing my pajamas.

"Dear old ghimk may I come in?"shouting repeatedly until the door screech open.

"Hello? "is any one here?", asking someone with a nervous voice


Hello my friend welcome again

As he talks, embers started coming out of his mouth by his speech

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