chapter nine

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"What do you mean she got out?" Namjoon yelled into his phone, sprinting down the hall to the elevator.

"I mean she's gone, she isn't here, and the door is wide open," Sungjin replied.

"How long has she been gone?"

"I had just checked on her an hour or so ago."

"Who was on duty?"

"It was supposed to be Seokjin, but I haven't seen him all day."

Fuck, Namjoon thought. Of course it was.

The two hadn't spoken since their argument in the elevator a few days earlier, but now it looked like he didn't really have a choice but to confront him. He sighed and issued more orders to Sungjin.

"Put the entire bunker on lockdown," he instructed. "If she got out, it wasn't alone, and if Lisa really is her girlfriend, then everyone in here is in danger. Make sure everyone else gets back to their rooms and locks their doors."

"On it," Sungjin responded. The other line went dead as Namjoon reached the elevator. He slapped the button, waiting for it to open, and opened his phone. He sent out a mass text to some of his best fighters telling them to meet him in the conference room, except Seokjin. He sent him a separate message.

hey dumbass, did you lock the door before you left the girl last night?

pretty sure, yeah. what do you want?

well she got out and you were supposed to be on duty. meet me in the conference room asap.

The elevator came to a stop and Namjoon started running the second the doors opened, sprinting to the conference room. Sungjin was already there, but other than that, the room was empty.

"You got here fast," Namjoon commented.

"I was already on this floor anyway."

"Makes sense," he nodded. "You're positive it's only been an hour?"

"Give or take," Sungjin responded. "I didn't check the time after so I'm just estimating."

"Did anything seem off with her beforehand?"

"No. If she was rescued, she didn't know ahead of time. There'd be no way for her to know."

As Sungjin finished speaking, Younghyun burst through the door, followed closely by Yoongi.

"What happened?" they both asked, practically in unison.

"The prisoner escaped. We think her girlfriend rescued her," Namjoon briefly explained.

"Well, what do we do?" Yoongi asked.

"I set off alarms in the upper floors to make everyone up there go into lockdown," Sungjin said. "I didn't want them to know we're onto them, so I didn't set off alarms down here."

"Smart," Namjoon approved. "Everyone send out mass texts to every contact in your phone telling them to get to somewhere safe ASAP. Younghyun, you have the bottom two floors, clear them out-"

"I'm here," Seokjin announced, exploding through the door.

"Shut up and don't interrupt," Namjoon scolded. "You're on thin fucking ice as it is." Seokjin scowled as Namjoon continued to assign everyone a floor or two to clear out. He armed everyone with a small handgun, easily concealed in a jacket pocket or in their waistbands, and then a card the entire gang recognized as a 'leader's orders' card. It could only be given to you directly from the leader himself when you're trying to spread the news about something to confirm that whatever you say is a message from the leader. "Remember, your top priority is finding them, this just makes it easier and safer to do. They can't have gotten far. If you find them, yell for everyone to get down and open fire. We want to get them alive, so don't aim for the head or stomach. I'd recommend the legs, but if that's not open, risk going for the upper body. I'll have a medic on standby, so call me the second you find them and I'll send him in with backup." Everyone nodded and started for the door. Namjoon followed, but beat Seokjin to it. He leaned across the doorway, blocking his path.

"What do you want?"

"I hope you know how deep the shit you're in is," Namjoon reminded him. "I don't have enough time to do anything about it now, but you'd better prepare yourself for the consequences later, 'cause I can promise they're gonna suck." He turned around and started down the hall when he felt a hand grab his arm.


"No what?" Namjoon asked, spinning on his heel. "You fucked up big-time and I'm the leader, you don't get to say 'no' to me."

"I'll say whatever the hell I want," Seokjin shot back. "I'm older than you, you should be taking orders from me!"

"You're still on about that bullshit?" Namjoon exclaimed. "The fact that you let the prisoner get away is just even more reason why you're not cut out to lead this gang!"

"I didn't, I was two minutes late for my shift! Two minutes!"

"Well, those two minutes were crucial! You had one job, Seokjin, and you fucked it up!"

"Well, at least I'm trying!" Seokjin fired back. "It's more than you can say!"

"You don't know what you're talking about, you're just a perfect, innocent little boy who thinks he can do whatever he wants, but you can't, and that's why you'll never amount to anything!" Seokjin didn't reply, and Namjoon fell silent. It took him a minute but he realized what he said and his face fell. "I'm sorry, this got out of hand-"

"I'll pair up with Yoongi," Seokjin said quietly before shoving past Namjoon and down the hall. Namjoon didn't move as he heard his footsteps gradually get quieter. Seokjin really got on his nerves sometimes, but did he really mean all of those things he'd said? It's not like it mattered, he was just a jealous underling who wanted his position. He wasn't the only one.

Why, then, did Namjoon feel this aching, guilty pain in his chest after their argument? What was it about Seokjin that made him different from everyone he'd ever argued with? He never felt this shitty after an argument with someone, and he got into them practically on the daily. He almost forgot why he was there in the first place until he was snapped out of his thoughts by an alarm going off, echoing through the bunker.

Fuck, Namjoon thought, then turned around and ran down the hall.


One Hour Earlier

Chaeyoung had been in this cell for days now. She was on the verge of insanity, yet Lisa still hadn't come for her. Where was she? Why hadn't she found her yet? Chaeyoung found herself thinking about Lisa whenever she got a moment of silence, and if she wasn't thinking about her, she was telling some dumbass White Devil how her girlfriend would come for them all. She thought she was speaking the truth, but she was still here, which meant she wasn't as right as she thought she was.

Was she even looking for her? Was she even concerned? How long would Chaeyoung be left to rot in here? Would she ever leave? It had only been a few days, but it felt like years. Her hope of escape and faith in her girlfriend was dwindling faster than she could say "I give up."

As though answering her thoughts, the cell door clicked. Chaeyoung's first thought was that it was another gang member coming to interrogate her. She braced herself to be bombarded with repetitive questions and clenched her jaw as the door slowly swung open. When no one entered, she frowned, but then she saw a head pop out from behind the door. A face appeared, bearing a huge smile and framed by straightened white-blonde hair, turqouise at the tips.

"Ya! Lalisa!" Chaeyoung cried at the sight of her.

"Ya, Park Chaeyoung!" Lisa replied.

"How'd you get in here?" Chaeyoung asked. Lisa held up a plastic keycard.

"Pickpocketed the last guard as they were walking past. It's in between shifts so we have to go right now. Are you ready to get out of here?"

"Hell yes!"

"Well," Lisa grinned wickedly, "let's go."


this chapter was kinda lame for the first half and i'm sorry but a lot is gonna happen in the next few chapters. they're going to seem really lame and unimportant and boring but once they're posted i just ask they you read them and pay attention bc almost everything will be important later.
in other news, i'm many chapters ahead and all the ships are sailingggggg i'm having so much fun, i'm so excited for you guys to read what i've written
ok that's all
i hope y'all enjoyed, have a nice day/night, thank you for reading, peace out

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