Inai Ni Yami ((An Original Story)) Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

"Here we are," Steve sent me a smile, holding out his hand for me to take. I took it unwillingly, already afraid of this guy, whoever he was. We stepped out of the vehicle - whatever it was - and I found myself in an alien world. Have I really been living here my whole life? It has to be a joke. This... this whole place looks fictional! There are TV's floating in the air - what's that? - cars hovering off the ground and people... on leashes... What is this place? "Wonderful, right?" Steve said from behind me, hands on my shoulders. I went stiff.

"Y-yeah..." Looking around myself once more, I wrapped both arms around myself and hoped that this was all a dream and that as soon as I woke up, I would remember everything and won't have to worry about this Steve guy feeding me to those monster things around his house. That was a nightmare I was unwilling to experience.

"Come on. There are so many places I want to take you to... How bout we eat first? You must be hungry!" Truth be told, I was not. Not in the very least. But I went along with him, scared of what might happen if I denied his request. Like I said earlier, I did not want to become doggy chow - or whatever those things were. The place he took me to... it was strange for me. Strange in a way that I recognized it to the point that I should remember it, but it was like a split memory. It was one place, yet I was thinking of a completely different one...

"Something wrong?" Steve gave me a sharp look, and immediately, I shook my head. Scared. I was so scared of this guy. And again, my mind went into conflict. A part of me was not scared. It was enraged. It wanted me to fight but I couldn't do that. Especially not in the public. That's just asking for trouble which I did not want.

Yes you do, the small part of my mind that was rebelling whispered.

No, I don't. That is just suicidal.

Yes you do. He'll find you that way. Come on, do something. Hurt someone. Make an uproar.

I hit the ground the moment the voice stopped. Pain exploded in my head, and when I looked up, the first thing I saw were dull grey eyes. "Wha?" I asked, staring up in confusion. The guy had a not too pale complexion and light brown hair, his eyes the only thing that really stood out to me. "Who are you?"

"Are you kidding me? Eve, it's me, Ares!"

"Get away from her!" Steve lunged forward, going straight for the new guys throat. The guy, Ares, smirked, and a second later Steve was engulfed by flames. I gasped, jumping back. Fire... how could he have just combusted like that? I didn't see any oil, or fire to start it up in the first place, so why...?

"What are you doing, Eve? Come on!" Ares pulled me up to my feet and suddenly we were running out of the shopping district. I turned around, looking back at the fire. It died away quickly, leaving nothing in it's place. Had the guy literally disintegrated? "Stop looking back! He'll catch up to us!" Catch up to us?! Steve was dead! There was no way I'd ever see him again, right? Right?!

He's right behind us. Keep running and make a left at the next road.

"Make a left at the next road!" I yelled out to Ares, and he gave me a thumbs up. Wait, why did I just say that? What the hell's going on!? Wait... I already asked myself that, damn it. I hate this so much! "So, where do I know you from?" I yelled as we ran, trying to keep up with the guy. How was he so damn fast?

"Again, are you kidding me? ShiroTech? Takeyama, Yuki, Daisuke? Ring a bell?"

"No. Not really!" We took a sharp left turn, no doubt the one my voice had been talking about. Where now, I wondered.

Keep running. He's near. I know it.

Who's he? I wanted to ask, but a figure appeared then. Short black hair, messy and spiking out in some areas with ice blue eyes. Then came his clothes. A strange sort of body suit. We stopped and I hit the floor, panting. "Damn... it... That was too much excitement for me..." The two guys looked down at me with confused expressions. I felt shy all of a sudden. "Um... who are you guys again?" I smiled, but it didn't do much.

Inai Ni Yami ((Within Darkness)) {{FINISHED}}Where stories live. Discover now