chapter 3 the kidnapped

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Later garmadon made it to Sonic's Grandma's house and then he found a note and he said a note  started reading it and it said  dear Sonic and Darcy I am on a vacation in Hawaii and I will be back in 2 weeks love Grandma he smirked in his thought. Hmm I wonder if there is a key under the mat when he checked and he said yes he went in and then put on sonic Grandma's clothes and went into bed and said  Darcy you will be mine he he he
A minute later
Darcy made it Sonic grandma's house and ring the doorbell in garmadon thought she is here and said come on in sweetie the door is  unlocked Darcy went in and said hi Lila I brought you some chocolate chip cookies and a red wine she placed them on the table and went to see Lila she said Mrs hedgehog what big eyes you have you said all the better to see you with the dear and In her thought that weird she  call me Mrs Williams and said Lila you normally call me Mrs Williams wait a minute black fur black hair sharp claw wait a minute oh no you're not Sonic grandma all the sudden he jumped out of bed and lying on Darcy then she said garmadon what are you doing here she Gasp and said what did you do with Mrs Hedgehog she called and said nothing she's on vacation Hawaii and wont be back 2 week then Darcy said why are you doing this garmadon and he said that because I love you my angel he said what all of the sudden he kiss her she blushe red then she pushed garmadon off and run outside try to escape try to but garmadon  punch her in the face and fell on the floor then he carry her  and said garmadon were you doing and he said sorry no can do you got a 9 month with me then maybe I'll let you go in his thought or not and she said garmadon please let me go I have to look after my sister she's the only one I have left and he said didn't you know that your grandma lives in the middle of the forest she said first of all she's not my grandma second of all I promise  my friend to see if she's alright later far far away from lila the hedgehog house and he said perfect here we are in her thought all this is going to be a nightmare he went in and throw Darcy on the floor and she said garmadon what are you going to do with me he smirked and lied on his side and said well by tomorrow morning I'm going to rape you darcy said eww you're gross No garmadon I'll never be yours and he said I know you're going to say that well Darcy I've got something that belongs to you he pulled out the locker that's the sister gave her and  she said garmadon give it back. That Lockers price list he said let me offer you a deal if you stay with me forever you can have your lock it back and she said what if I don't and he said if you don't do I will destroy your locket shock in horror and said no don't  ok I'll stay please just don't destroy it is the only one I have left and he said you're clever girl by tomorrow morning we start in here thought I got an idea when garmadon is asleep I'll escape when he looking for me Ill go back and get my locker so they went for sleep

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