Second Chance

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You, Ruby and Yang are in the team RWBY dorm nagging Yang because of her inappropriate behavior and (possibly) soiling Ruby's innocence.

(y/n): "........................ I don't know what to say to you anymore Yang. First you force your way with me so many times when are younger, you even fuckin put a brand on my back! And now this?! If you're going to do 'it' at least don't make such noise! And why you even saying my name while doing 'it'?!  You should be conscious to your surrounding!" you said walking back-and-forth in front Yang kneeling to the floor ashamed and don't know what to say.

Yang: "I I'm sorry okay...  I didn't know ruby can hear me it's ju-" she said between her sobs feeling guilt from what she did.

(y/n): "just what?!!" you shout that make her flinch.

Yang: ""it it's just I'm so envious how close Ruby to you. You didn't give me attention i-i don't know w-what to do so when I see dad (taiyang)  and one of her 'friends' doing 'stuff' while saying 'I love you're I thought th-that if I do it with you, you'll love me too *sob* *sob* bu-but it just make you even more distant to me. I feel horrible feel guilty doing such things to you w-when the house burned and they said that you died I was so depress because I didn't even able to say sorry and ask forgiveness for what I did" . she explained while crying.

Yang: "pe-please forgive me! I-i shouldn't do such thing. I-i love you since childhood I'm willing to do anything just to gain forgiveness. Please (y-y/n) please!" she cried now she's clinging to your leg like a slug you look down to her and sighed.  You crotch down to her cup her face for her to look guilt, sadness, tears and some snot (pffft) can be seen to her face.

(y/n): "anything?" she rapidly nod yes almost breaking her neck nodding.

Yang: "e-e-anything j-just don't hate me!"

(y/n): "*sigh* fine, I'm not that cold hearthed for me not to forgive you and it is all in the past now. Just don't do anything stupid, I may forgive but I wouldn't forget... Now stand up I don't want you to kneel me when you are in that state." you wipe her tears using your hand she stands up but still sobbing.

(y/n): "*let's out a heavy sigh* now that settles it.  Time for some siblings hug!" you said while stretching your arms wide they run up to you and you three hugs. They are both tearing to you, tears of happiness.

(y/n): "Blake and Weiss you can stop eavesdropping now." you said knowing that the two are listening to you, they slowly enter the room and ashamed to their action but also happy that you and Yang are okay now.

(y/n): "why the sad face? it's okay,  I'm not angry of you two eavesdropping. You'll ruin tour beautiful faces if you didn't smile." you said still hugging your sisters (half 😏) they smile and blushed at the same time.

Minutes later they both calm down and let go if the hug. You sit down to a bed and they start to ask you question that you didn't mind answering.

Ruby: "where have you been all this years? After Zwei returned to our house you stop sending letters." Yang got confused

Yang: "what?  What letter? You know that  he is alive?! Why you didn't tell me?  So that's why you are just fine after his lost."

Ruby: "he he he he sorry Yang." she nervously laugh.

(y/n): "well it's just a letter to warn her about this Salem person, she is the current Grimm Goddess she is hunting silver eyed warriors because she is terrified to the power of silver eyed warriors... After I run away I trained none stop to get stronger for me to have power to irradiate who would bring harm to Ruby now that I have that power I wouldn't leave you two. But promise me you two don't tell Taiyang that I'm alive." they both nod.

(y/n): "oh right, ruby" she looks at you,  you open a red portal taking out boxes full of cookies.

(y/n): "this is for you I know you love cookies so I came prepared. Just don't eat it in one go... And brush your teeth after you eat." you ruffles her hair she hugs you so tight. She jumps out and stand like a soldier while saluting to you.

Ruby: "YES! SIR! *she hugs you again* thank you thank you thank you thank you you really are the best." she pecked your cheek.

(y/n): "don't mention it, now go brush your teeth it's almost bed time." you said while looking at your watch.

Ruby: "Awwww but I want to talk with you moooooore. " she pouted.

(y/n): "we can talk tomorrow okay, we have classes tomorrow." you pinched her cheeks playing with it making funny faces.

Ruby: "okay but you'll sleep with me in exchange!"  you look at Yang, Blake and Weiss that have smile at their faces indicating that they didn't mind.

(y/n): "*sigh* fine fine,  I'll sleep with you."

Ruby: "YAAAAY!" she cheer and bolted to the bathroom to change sleepwear.

(y/n): 'she never change.' you thought to yourself while looking at her.

After that you all decided to sleep because you all have classes tomorrow.

Meanwhile at some random dark place

???: "so he is in Beacon, I'm coming for you." the mysterious voice says.

aaaaaaaaaand CUT! 
Pwew!  I didn't even know where did I pull that out...  But it's a success so it's okay

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