What The Fuck?

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I find myself in class hours later because everything that happened when Greek God took (or flew) me to the infirmary is not considered important by the author.

I sit in the middle of Khalid and Tayla(who BTW is a lesbian and obsessed with me) who also sit in the middle of my two nerdy other best friends who I met a few hours ago. Nerd one is female and is Indian. Her name is Padma. Nerd two is Chinese/Japanese/Korean/Malaysian/Thai/Philipino. His name is Li. He's trans and used to be called Mei Li. You will mostly have to ignore my two pairs of best friends because the writer just placed them in the plot to show diversity of characters. There you go, anal freaks.

The class is literature and I can tell the teacher is gay by the way his lashes are long and he is neatly dressed because that's how you identify homosexuals. He suddenly looks my way and flashes me a pair of perfect pearly whites. Even though he's obviously gay, I get a queasy feeling in my stomach and I imprint a crush on him because as usual teen fic heroines are fickle hormonal things.

He asks us to pair up for a quick test of our dramatic skills and the book is non other than Romeo and Juliet as it always is. My four best friends who I know nothing about past the name pair up immediately and I'm left awkwardly alone in the middle.

I am hurt and betrayed. Salty tears escape my eyes. They put a dent to our friendship with their actions. I don't know if I can ever forgive them for it. I mean Tayla and I made a vow on the bus one hour ago when we met, not to allow anything come between us. I made the same vow with the other three. Now I am all alone. Poor me. Why do people always leave me? I need to go to the ladies and finish my second round of tears for the day.

Suddenly the teacher yells at me, "You. Nora Bella Riverdale! Yes, I know your name." he adds with an evil grin. " Go and sit over at the back with that young handsome English man!"

I groan and drag myself to the back, avoiding eye contact, only to be met by none other than Greek God. Wow! Who saw that coming? He looks every bit as handsome as he did when I ran into him. I get to play Romeo and Juliet with him. Yay!

"Hi, you obviously know my name from how dickhead here yelled it. But you can call me NoraBelle." I say shyly, because so far my character developments imply that I'm a very shy girl.

He barely flicks me a glance. He doesn't appear to have heard me. He's so interested in me I have I to stare down at my paper.

I notice he is tan for a Briton and his dark hair looks so soft like feathers.
Feathers... Suddenly I remember how it felt like he flew me to the infirmary.

Could he be that he wasn't human?
I'm still pondering this when he takes my hand and whispers, "Angel. You are mine." His fingers lock with mine. They are surprisingly super cold. Hmm... More evidence, because the approaching Winter couldn't cause a person to have cold hands.

Before I can process what just happened, I hear his voice in my head, "Surprised?"

Instead of flinging his hand away and flipping him the bird and telling a teacher that he's a pervert, I stare into his eyes captivated. How did he just do that? It suddenly feels like we are alone in the class,in the world, our hands still intertwined and I don't have a care in the world.

He's here for me. I won't be alone again. The bell rings and apparently, no one appears to have seen our display of closeness in class, because the classmates and teachers are just fillers in teen fic.

I start to pack my bag and he disappears. I avoid my two pairs of best friends as I go look for him everywhere in a school I've barely settled into. Like every other teen fic heroine, I want to unravel the creepy mystery that he is.

I sulk for the rest of the day at home because I miss him so badly. I lapse into a two hour depression. I have to find him. I have to know where he stays. He must be my purpose for moving down from Canada. I have no life without him.

I change clothes (but still wear my red hoodie of course) and bounce down the stairs. My parents are seated at the dinner table with someone whose back I can only observe. Emmett/Rixon isn't at the table, just Jace.

"Come here sweetie,". Mom says, beckoning me over with a sickening smile. Why she's so cold to me is still a mystery. I look at my Dad, half surprised. He cheats on my mom and that means he must be abusive too to create some family drama for the plot.

I go to her and see the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. A boy with really tan skin and onyx hair and eyes appears in front of me.

Wow! Who is this guy?

" NoraBelle this is Cameron. He lives just down the street. You and him were friends when you were kids. I think he'll make a good love interest for you."

My mouth falls down. Cameron walks over to me, "You can call me Cam. I think you're really pretty."

I drag him over to a corner like I've known him for years, which the author actually agrees to.

"Look here, Cam," I say, " I know you are in love with me(because every other opposite sex in the book must be in love with the heroine) but I am in love with someone else so we can only be really close and best friends. You will help me with whatever I ask of you and you will be devoted to me and I will lead you on and you will agree to be led on, even though you have absolutely no chance with me. Got it?" I breathe.

"Sure thing! NoraBelle. I will dedicate my life to you and your flimsy heroine antics. That's what I'm here for. To spark up and force a love triangle," he says, chirpy.

"And oh", he adds, " To look hot of course and be the exact opposite of your other love interest. Do tell me,is he the nice, good boy, so I can assume the role of daring bad boy, or is he the mysterious dark boy?"

" Just do your thing for now," I say, " when I get to know him, we can modify your personality."

"But my thing is Gardening!" He shrieks. "Then go garden away, thou other worldly beautiful love interest." I say in my perfect shrieky tone.

I leave him standing there and head back out to the dinner room where my parents are conveniently absent from. I make a show of exaggerated noises in my unimpeded break out and still no one shows up.

I unnecessarily climb out the window when the front door is right there.
That's when my brother, Jace shows up,"uuuh...sneaking out to find Greek God?" He says, rubbing his palms together.

Somehow he already knows what I'm thinking and what I call my new love even though I've barely seen him all day. I just love sibling telepathy.

I know he won't rat me out, so I smile and nod. He throws me something and I figure out they are keys. "Emett/Rixon is doing God knows what with April(mean model type) so you can take his bike."
(So Emmett/Rixon has a bike and he took the bus with us that morning?)

My heart overflows with love for my twin brother with not-actually-red hair. "I love you" I shout and jump on the bike that materialises next to me.

He doesn't bother calling me back. He doesn't think it's weird that I'm heading out at 8 pm to look for a guy, a stranger who I've barely said anything to, who I barely know, who he barely knows, who isn't even lost and should be at school tomorrow if all things work out.

Apparently, stupidity runs in the family. Well what can I do about it, I'm just a character in a story.

Somehow, I already know what to do with the motorcycle, even though I've never ridden one in my entire 16 ...or 17 years.

I race off into the sunset to find my love who isn't even lost. Maranatha!

-Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the second chapter of This Crappy Story .
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I'm a sucker for those. Coming next... Find out haha.

- Raine♏🏹

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