Ch 2 🌹🥀

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[Sorry for the grammar. It makes senses to me, but you find some mistake please let me know. And I'll fix it.]


I ran to the house and stopped, to catch my breath. I really hope they don't get mad...

"Honey where were you? School ended like 3 hours ago." My mom says while cleaning the kitchen.
"Well I decided not to take the bus, and walked to towards the park. And thank god I was there. There were 2  girls that were bullying a 6 year old."
My moms eye widen. "And what happen?" She stops to clean and looks at me.
"I punched them both and took the little girl back to safety. They broken her doll and it made me really upset... so we went to the store, along with her brother. And I came here."
"It was a good thing you walked home." She smiles. "Ok I'll be doing my homework. Ok?" She nods and I go upstairs to my room.
I closed the the door, open my backpack.
Now how do I fix her doll? There were only 2 pieces. The head and the body.

I sigh.
"Just try..."

The next day

"Today is a new day. To survive. Again. I know I can make it today." I gave a long sigh. I looked at the doll.
I started to have a flashback when I was in 4th grade....

"You little dumb trash.  No one is going to love you." He punches me. But I don't say anything. "Just be gone from here. Oh and your dolls are nothing. Your a 4th grader.  10 year olds don't pay with toys anymore. So just be gone."

I went to tell the teacher. But she didn't do anything to stop him. All she said was "you should of told me before school ended."
I told my parents and they didn't do anything


I walked to the bus stop. I don't ever get why I'm depressed. I have everything... a home, clothing, parents, a phone, etc.
But why do I feel depressed all of the sudden. Nothing makes me sad... but why?
And why do I always get suicidal? Why do I have to feel this way... why do I-

"OW!" I didn't realized I hit the sign.
"Haha that's what you get!" Cartman laughs.

In these situations I try to laugh it out.. rather than telling him to stop laughing.
I started to fake laugh and rubbed my forehead" haha!! Oh my god! I didn't see this coming!" I faked a smile.

I turn my head a little saw that Kenny is looking at me. "Are you ok?" He asked.
I faked laugh again, " yeah! I'm alright! Maybe it's red but no one can tell since it's cold out here!"

Oh god I really want to cry.

"Get your ass up, the bus is almost here." Cartman says as he wipes his tear, then Kenny helps me get up.
"Thanks." I almost choked on those words.

I sat in the back, not wanting people to talk to me.
Of course no one is going to talk to me. Great luck I suppose.
I sigh. I really wanted to cry badly, but I couldn't...
wait no one is looking.... i can..
I start to tear up.

Oh god... why does this happen to me everytime.... I want to stop suffering. From this. Why do I keep everything to myself?

Kenny McCormick x depressed reader  [ DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now