Chapter 37

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sorry it has been awhile....please don't hate me!


I watched from the balcony as my family walked through the gardens. They looked so guarded against the world. Their cautious steps and frightened eyes wandered around the beautiful flowers in awe. Their pale skin told of the horrors they were put through because of me. Unable to see the light of day for months, starved, forced to sleep in the dungeons. My brother looked so frail staggering through the grass. My dad kept glancing at the guards that trailed closely behind them. I wished with all my heart that they could break free and run from this place. But the five armed guards prevented that from happening. Even thought they were set free from the dark depts of the dungeons they would never be free as long as I was alive. As long as Drake was obsessed with me.

I watched with anxious eyes as they walked to a table set with delicious looking food. My brother immediately dove for the food and started stuffing his face. Tears formed in my eyes as I saw how hungry he was. My poor baby brother having to live like that. I wouldn’t blame him if he hated me. I the myself.

All three of them sit down and start eating while the guards surround them. I am so happy that they are being fed and get to relax in the sun. If only I could go to them, to talk with them. But Drake had forbidden it. He thinks they are a bad influence on me. that they will somehow convince me to leave him. Drake is so fucking stupid, I don’t need them to convince me that. I already want to kill him.

“I want to see them.” I say.

I turn to look back into the room to see Drake look up from the book he was reading on the couch. “I already said no.”

I look back out the window staring longingly at them. “I know but I still want to talk to them.”

I hear a sigh behind me.

“Maybe if you are a good girl I’ll allow it.”

As if feeling my eyes on her my mother looks up from the table and sees me. Even though she is far I see her eyes widen with surprise. She lifts a hand as if to reach out to me. I reach out mine to her as well. My father turns to see what my mom is pointing at and when he sees me he stands up. A guard quickly rushes over to push him back down into his chair. Surprisingly he doesn’t struggle. My parents just both stare up at me.

All of  sudden their faces harden. I wonder why and then I feel Drakes strong arms wrap around me possessively. I stiffen in his embrace feeling extremely uncomfortable.

I swallow my discomfort and ask, “what do I have to do to be a good girl? To see my parents?”

Drakes hand roams down my chest to rest on my stomach. His touch is gentle.

“well if you were a good wife you would become pregnant with my heir.”

I don’t know what to say. There is nothing to say. We’ve been married for months and still nothing. There nothing I can do. I don’t want to become pregnant with his child, he would have even more control over me. But now he’s saying I can’t see my family unless imbecile pregnant?

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