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Teenagers and adolescents are put through both basic, and complicated challenges throughout the years that they should make the most out of. Some of these challenges include family, friendships, school and what seems to be all that matters to anyone anymore; relationships.

Imogen Waters, 22, has completed all of her school years with ease. She was always ahead of the other students in all of her classes and she was far more mature and intelligent than an average student. Imogen believed she didn't have any problems, due to her calm, collected and organised mindset. Everyone around her believes she has the perfect attitude and way of thinking, and she agrees.

However, she once wasn't the perfect girl people believed her to be. Once upon a time, she fell in love. Yes, fell. Everything that falls, breaks. Imogen broke. The perfect girls mindset was no longer calm, collected, or organised. She fell apart, and it look her a period of two years to rebuild her walls and barriers. The boy she fell deeply in love with, left her with a broken heart. Why was it broken? It was broken because the feelings she developed for him, were stronger than she thought. He owned parts of her heart now, and she couldn't get them back, even if she wanted to. They belonged to him, for the rest of her life.

She recovered from the situation and picked herself back up. She changed schools and her grades gradually began to rise just like they used to be, and the way she planned it out to become. Imogen was awarded every month at her new high school, for academics.

In 2009, she graduated high school with a confident attitude and clear mindset. She went onto university, and she finished her two degrees and courses in the period of 4 years. Since Imogen was so caught up trying to keep her grades the way they had stayed, she didn't go out much, nor provided herself with enough freedom. Her parents encouraged her to go out more often, but she declined everytime. She spent years cooped away in her room, studying away. Late in 2013, she made the decision to take a year off from education, and use it to travel the world, since she missed out on the opportunity for several years.

In January, 2014, she was travelling around Hawaii for 3 weeks with her best friend and room mate, Skylar.

All was going well, until Imogen received a text.

It took one second for her mindset to become unclear and faded, for the first time in several years. It took one second for appalling memories to flood through her mind, for the first time in several years. It took one second for her walls and barriers to break, for the first time in several years, after she had spent so long trying to rebuild and strengthen them.

Her whole world turned upside down in the course of one second, all because of one text.

One text from that boy who owned a fragment of her heart; Ashton Irwin.



Hey to all the lovely people putting their time in to read this, I would like to start off by saying each of your reads means a lot to me.

If you enjoyed this little summary and opening for my story, it would also mean a lot if you voted and even commented.

This is a story I really hope I write and exhibit well, so let's hope I stick to what I promised myself.

I really hope you guys enjoy this because I have a lot of inspiration and motivation to write this novel.

Love you all, take care and enjoy!


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