Chapter 1

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"Mum, Dad, Bailey and Amber, I have something important and... Well, interesting to... Announce" Imogen gulped, itching the crook of her neck, still having a battle with herself about her sudden decision.

She drove to her familys house to tell them about the choice she was going to make. Imogen lived with her best friend, Skylar, in their shared house around half an hour away from her familys.

"Yes?" Her mother questioned, furrowing her eyebrows at the silence.

"Well, you guys know how distant and... Introverted I have been for the past several years. I was just so caught up with my studies, I didn't ever go out and experience things. I want to use the whole of 2014 off and travel the world with Skylar. I want to get out and make memories and do new things" Imogen hurriedly let out, concluding her sentence with a loud sigh.

She forced her eyes shut, afraid of what her family members facial expressions would look like. She slowly began to open her left eye, only to see her mother and father in front of her, a smile plastered across each of their thin lips.

"Imogen, that's great news! Were so proud of you, and you deserve some time off anyway. This is all we ever wanted, for you to be happy. If going travelling will make you happy, then go for it" Matt, her father spoke, hand resting on his daughters shaky shoulder.

"So... You both are fine with my decision?" Imogen questioned, surprised.

"Of course we are!" The two parents spoke in sync, huddling together to hug their 22 year old daughter.

Imogen was stuck in the middle, being attacked with warm and tight hugs from her proud parents. Then, her two younger siblings joined in.

"Were so proud of how far you've come, you deserve a long break" Bailey spoke, giving Imogen a fist pump.

"Yeah, you deserve it and need to experience the world on a different level. Were so proud of you!" Amber shrieked, hugging onto her sister even tighter.

After being released from the hold of her loving family, she let out a quick huff of relief.

"Thank you guys, so much. I love you all, so damn much. You have no idea" Imogen sighed, smiling.

Imogen spent the night at her familys house, sharing a room with her sister. Her mother, Lauren, made Imogen's favourite meal for dinner. The family spent the night eating dinner in the movie room and watching several comedy movies. At 11pm, everyone helped with the dishes and left to their allocated rooms to sleep. Imogen and Amber, spent hours having a DNM together, which helped them vent and have some weight lifted off from their shoulders. The two sisters told each other everything. Yes, everything.

"Goodnight Imogen" Amber whispered, in a tone that was barely audible.

"Goodnight, Amber" Imogen replied, giving her sister a kiss on the forehead.

* * *

"Bye, sweetheart. We'll see you on the holidays!" Lauren yelled from the front door, watching her daughter walking towards the driveway.

"Bye guys, I'll see you all on the holidays!" Imogen yelled, blowing them all kisses, earning four herself in return.

"Bye, sweetie!" Matt yelled.

"Bye Imogen! We love you!" Amber and Bailey yelled simultaneously.

"Bye! Love you guys too!" Amber yelled, before entering her car and driving off.

She could see the clouds getting darker and packing up as she drove, which alerted her that there would be rain heaving down sometime soon. Much to her suprise, it began hailing as well. The small particles of ice clumped together onto her windscreen, causing her difficulty to drive due to feeling anxious and stressed, which was unusual. She made the mature decision to stop the car in a nearby parking lot, and wait for the hail to calm down and hopefully disappear.

"Damn it" she muttered under her breath, rolling her eyes.

Imogen didn't have much spare time on her hands and needed to pack immediately, since she was going on a road trip with Skylar and a few other mates the very next day. Finally, the hail stopped, but the rain didn't. She quickly started the car and drove slowly to her street, which was roughly 10 minutes away from her current location. Imogen let out a small sigh of relief when she steered into her street, allowing a smile to form across her lips. She quickly parked the car and sprinted towards the entrance of the double storied home.

"Finally! It was so quiet and isolated without you here!" Skylar yelled, embracing her best friend into a tight hug.

"Ew, you're wet" she added, teasing.

"Shut up. Let me in, it's freezing!" Imogen yelled, shoving Skylar out of the way, earning a chuckle.

The heat diffusing through the house caused Imogen to relax and a smile to immediately plaster against her chapped lips. She hurried up to her bedroom, excusing the heap of messes Skylar had created while she was gone. Imogen rushed into her bathroom, waiting for the water in her shower to be the perfect temperature.

She hopped into the shower, watching the steam radiate off her body and towards the ceiling. The knots in her body began to untangle and her muscles felt loose and relieved. She let out a soft sigh, while gently massaging her shampoo through her long strands. Her whole body was finally relaxed, causing her mind to be clear and focused.

Imogen showered for atleast an hour before she stepped out of the clear cubical. She got changed into her grey sweats, an oversized shirt and a black hoodie.

"Took your time" Skylar giggled, as Imogen walked down the stairs.

"I like my showers long, and warm" Imogen replied, smiling.

"Well, I should start packing now. You going to as well?" Skylar asked, hopping off the beanbag she was situated on.

"Yes!" Imogen exclaimed, rushing towards her room, once again.


okay, so the prologue got 100 reads and i said i would update chapter one once it did, so yay!

thank you to all the people who are reading this book, it really does mean a lot to me (:

if you are enjoying this, please vote and maybe even comment, because again, it means a lot

love you guys, you're all beautiful and absolutely perfect


btw, i'll update every few days, or after a certain chapter hits a certain amount of reads

so i'm gonna say i want atleast 50 reads on this chapter before i update chapter 2

keep reading, voting, commenting and sharing this story around!

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