Chapter 10

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Aurora's POV

Autumn and I arrive at a large gathering area where there's a huge pile of sticks and branches, log benches spread out in a circle around it. There's also some picnic tables and small fairy lights strung on poles everywhere above us, making it feel sort of magical.

I'm not that excited about the bonfire because I'll most likely just eat and drink some things while everyone else is having fun. At least Autumn will be with me, she's been so nice to me today and I'm glad I won't be alone since Hope has stopped speaking to me. We got there a little early and there's only a few people sitting around and chatting quietly so Autumn and I decide to sit at log together before it gets too crowded.

As we wait for the bonfire party to begin, Autumn tells me more about herself. I learn that she enjoys pottery more than she let on earlier and is also interested in a lot of the same music and shows that I am.

We end up talking about Doctor Who enthusiastically and arguing about our favorite doctor. "But David Tennant is soooo charming! Plus I really like his and Rose's story." she gushes at me. I shake my head. "Yeah, but Matt Smith is way more funny and overall loveable. Plus I even think he's kinda cute and I'm gay!" I giggle back. We chat for a few more minutes when Father Gabriel, Sahara, and some other camp leaders show up around the pile of wood.

The area is now almost completely filled with people and everyone is waiting excitedly for the bonfire. "Is everyone excited?" Father Gabriel says, looking around and smiling. "This little 'bonfire party' is going to be a great chance for those of you who don't know each other very well to get closer and make some more friends! Remember, we are all children of God and our connection makes him happy." Autumn chuckles and whispers, "Well maybe not all our connections." She winks at me.

Father Gabriel steps back and Sahara nods, getting ready to speak. "Alright, everyone! The bonfire is about to be lit, but first I'm going to go over some rules and such." Most of us groan or roll our eyes. "Now now, don't sound so disappointed. They're not bad rules! I just want to let you guys know that to my left there will be plenty of food and drinks prepared and to my right there's a dj. You can suggest songs to the dj at anytime by writing them down on the list at his table." She points over to a guy sitting with headphones around his neck and lots of sound equipment. He smiles and gives a thumbs up.

"Now the rules are that there is to be no horseplay around the bonfire just for safety and... actually that's really it. So just one rule!" Sahara beams at us with her famous smile and bounces up and down. "Also, there will be some camp leaders just to supervise, but I promise we won't intrude too much and cramp your style!" I cringe and shake my head. Why do some adults say the things they do?

Sahara talks some more about this being a great opportunity to make friends, as they keep insisting, and then she and some others light the bonfire. Everyone cheers as the fire grows and then music begins to play. Father Gabriel says something about "being old" and "turning in early" and leaves. Sahara leaves as well and there's just about 10 camp leaders left, wandering around or talking amongst themselves.

"I'll go get some drinks for us, yeah?" Autumn asks, standing up. I nod at her and she leaves to go to the line at the food and drinks table. Around me there are groups of people laughing, dancing, or playing card games at tables. Just a few benches away from me, Hope and her clique are all sitting and talking. I notice that Hope is staring at her hands in her lap which are fiddling around with a tassel from her dress. Her golden hair is shining from the fire and her cheeks are slightly flushed because of the heat. I can't help but notice how beautiful she looks.

As if she feels me staring at her, she turns her head to look at me and now it's my turn to turn away and pretend to be doing something else. I lamely peel at the bark on my bench to look busy. Glancing back at her, I see she's still looking at me and if I'm not mistaken, she's frowning.

Just then Autumn returns and sits down next to me, handing me a solo cup. "I hope you don't mind, but..." she leans to my ear and whispers. "I got a friend of mine to give me some alcohol. In your cup you've got a jack and coke." Yet again I feel shivers down my spine from her closeness and my heart picks up speed for a second. Then she leans back and smiles at me and I'm able to calm down.

"Actually, that's fucking amazing, thank you so much. This'll make the night go a lot better." I grin back at her and take a large sip of my drink. There's a small burn at the back of my throat and I feel satisfied knowing I won't be bored.


"And so I dumped er. Sheeeee a batch." Autumn giggles and her eyes are barely open. "I mean butch. No, bitch! Ha ha."  I've lost count of how many drinks she's had, but I know she's definitely drunk now. In between my laughing I reply, "I can't believe she cheated on you. And with your brother nonetheless! That's craazy." Autumn slowly leans herself into my shoulder and side and puts her drink down, nodding.

I look around and see that there's still a lot of people around and quite a few of them seem tipsy or drunk as well, including the camp leaders who are all at a table playing games by themselves and laughing loudly. It seems that they're too drunk to notice that some of the teenagers are obviously not sober. One kid trips over his own feet and almost falls into the bonfire, only to burst into giggles with his friends. I'm glad I only got slightly drunk now and I smile to myself.

Autumn sighs and sinks down until her head is in my lap and she's laying on the log. "You're verrrrrrry prretty you know," she murmurs, looking up at me. "I don't know why you don't gotta girlfriend. Plus you're like suuuuuper cool and sweet and niiice. I've only talked to you for a day and I know that." She smiles crookedly and I just shrug, mentioning that I still haven't technically come out yet.

I look around again and back to Hope's log bench where it looks like half her friends have left and she's gazing at the fire. Again I admire how she looks in the flickering illumination of it. Autumn's hand reaches up to my face and pulls my gaze back to her. "You should kiss me." She whispers. My whole body tenses and I'm only able to whisper back, "What?". "Kiss. Me." Autumn repeats.

Slowly I lean closer until my face is inches from hers, almost to her lips. I freeze remembering the situation. "I can't." I say. "Not only are you very drunk, but we're also at a church camp if you remember. I'm pretty sure we'd be tossed into that fire if I kissed you." Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Hope is sitting straight up and staring directly at Autumn and I, causing me to straighten my back quickly and create a great distance between our lips.

"Bummer." Autumn says, sitting up too. "I think I'm gonna go to bed now though. Not because you didn't kiss me, I just think I might pass out." she laughs heartily. "Would you mind walking with me? I don't want to end up sleeping on the trail because I fell asleep on my feet." I nod and stand up, holding out my hand to help her stand. She takes it and kisses my cheek for a long second, and then continues to hold my hand as she stumbles slightly back to her tent.


Double update? And this chapter is longer?? Unheard of from me, but luckily I had some time on my hands. As usual, thank you so much for reading 💛

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