Chapter 1

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As I walked down the poorly lit street, at around midnight, I feel a light tap on my right shoulder. I turn to see that no one is there. Normally I would completely freak out but I turned to my left.

"Hey there!" She says so nonchalantly and happy. The smile on her face was as bright as day. Her teeth were amazingly white. Her light brown hair shined in the night as the sun does at high noon. Her skin was flawlessly golden. Her eyes so big and perfectly brown. It was Tracy McClain, the secret love of my life.

"Hey there," I say after a moment "What are you doing out so late at night?" She present another beautiful smile.

"I could ask you the same question" she replies.

I laugh "Well I just felt like walking" I reply not telling her the complete truth. She looks ahead at the park bench, turns back to me and says "Race yah!"

I knew immediately this was not a question, she takes off at a full sprint. Tracy was that girl that you could not say no to. So wonderfully energetic. I hesitate before I take off after her. I manage to catch up and eventually pass her. I run, tap the bench, hop over and sit. She's not to far behind. She takes the seat right next to me.

"Beat you" I say as a let out a light laugh. She smiles at me, breathing slightly hard.

She teases "I bet I'll beat you next time" after we sit and catch our breath for a few moments, we begin to converse

"So You never answered me when I asked why you were out so late" I say as she gazes up at the starry sky.

"Me and mom got into another fight, you know how she can be" she says.

"What was it about this time" I ask. I already knew the answer. Tracy and her mom had been fighting ever since her dad left 3 years ago. Her mom can't seem to get over it. She continues to blame her daughter for the departure of her father. When in reality, she had nothing to do with it.

"Eh same old same old you know, so I just walked out again" she says as she continues looking at the night sky.

"Ahh the dad thing again huh?" I reply "why can't she get over it?"

"Honestly Nick, I have no idea, I guess she just loved him too much" she says. She finally takes a break from the stars and looks down at me. Her eyes look so beautiful. They shine so bright, it could replace the moon if they had too. And on this night, it seems like they have as I gazed in to her eyes just as she had gazed at the stars.

"Well I'm sorry Tracy I wish I could help you out" I say. My phone buzzes and I pick it up and see a text message from my mom that reads "Please come home, it's really late" I look up at Tracy and she seems to already know the content of the text message. "I have to go, I'll text you when I get home, alright?" I say as I begin to get up from the bench.

"Alright," she says "I think I'm going to chill here for a little while though."

"Oh okay," I reply. She stands up and hugs me goodbye. "Just be safe, okay?" I tell her softly "I don't want to come back out here to rescue you from a group of ninjas or something" she laughs at that and I add "Pinky promise?" I hold out my pinky. She grabs my pinky with hers and she say lightly, "Pinky promise." She pulls our hands to her mouth and kisses her thumb lightly then I do the same with mine.

I begin to walk away and she yells "Don't forget to text me!"

I yell back "Not a chance!"

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