Chapter two

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Namjoon P.O.V

"Alright you ready to order?" The waitress asked us. "Yeah! I'll have French Toast and a coffee. He'll have chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream and a chocolate milk." I said handing her the menus. "Alright, thank you. You're order will be out shortly." I smiled as she walked away. Jin swung his feet underneath the table as he hummed. Why is he so cute? I smiled as I watches him. He giggled as he colored a picture, his tongue slightly out.

"Alright here is your food, enjoy your food." The waitress said as she put down our food. "You too!" Jin said with his baby smile. Ugh he's so cute I can't! I thought as I cut my French toast. "Ba-" I look up at him and see that he was whipped cream on his lip. He licks it off slowly. "Why are looking at me like that?" He asked me and I got out of my trance. "W-what, Baby?" I asked him, not hearing what he said. "I said, why are looking at me like that?" He asked me again. "Oh! I'm looking at you like that cause your very pretty, love." I said to him as I grabbed his hand to hold.

"See I kept my promise.. didn't I?" I asked him smiling "Yes, Daddy kept his promise." Jin said, giggling. "Kisses for daddy?" I said slightly pouting "Yes! Kisses for daddy!!" Jin said while giggling. He leaned over the table to give me a kiss. "I love you my Baby Boy." I said as he sat back down. "I wuv you too, Daddy!" Jin said with his baby smile. "Eww! Fucking fags... Go burn in Hell." The man sitting next to us said. I stopped smiling and turned to look at him "What did you just say?" I asked in a low, stern, voice. "Me?" The man asked, pointing at himself. I nodded and glared at him. "I said nothing." He said, looking back at his menu. "What the fuck did you say?" I said, almost yelling. "I said, Eww! Fucking fags.... Go burn in Hell." He said. As soon as I heard the word 'fags' come out if his mouth, I got up.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I asked him as I got face to face with him. "Nothing, it's just that you guys are going to hell for dating." He said I was about to say something but I heard crying. I turned around and Jin was crying. "Look what you fucking did." I said pointing at Jin then walking over to Jin. "Baby.... Why are you crying?" I asked him in a comforting voice while hugging him with my head laying on top of his head as I rocked us back and forth. "H-he called u-us fags and said that we're gonna go to h-hell for dating..." He said, crying in to my chest "Baby look at me." I said, breaking our hug and gently moving his chin with my finger so he can look at me.
"Never say fags again. Okay?" I said "B-but why? Wh-what d-does it m-mean, Daddy?" He asked me, trying to stop his crying. "Just don't say that! That's a big boy word. Ok Cutie Pie?" I said rubbing his back "Ok daddy" Jin said hugging me again, I looked back at the man again and all I said was. "You're lucky he was here." I said before I was handed the check. I paid for our food and we left.

Jin P.O.V

After we left, we drove home. I was silent for the most whole ride there as I thought about what happened. Why would we go to Hell? Did we do something wrong? I didn't realise I was pouting until Daddy said something. "What's wrong, Baby? Why are you pouting?" He asked, turning the car off. I looked at him and bit my lip. "N-nothing, Daddy... I-it's nothing..." He put a hand on my thigh. "Tell me the truth, Baby Boy." I sighed. "Wh-why are we g-going to H-He-Hell?" I asked him, my eyes close to tearing up. "Oh, honey. We're not going to Hell." Daddy told me in a soothing voice. "B-but the man said-" Daddy interrupted me. "Who cares about what the man said? He just doesn't understand."

"But wh-what if he's ri-right? What if I d-do go to Hell? I-I want t-to be with you i-in Heaven!" I told him, getting scared. "Pwease! I-I don't wanna go t-to Hell!" Tears fell out of my eyes as I thought about going to the Bad Place. "Baby please don't cry! You're not going to Hell, Baby, you're not going! Please, don't ever think that, Darling." He told me, wiping my tears away. He stepped out of the car and opened my door. I pulled me into a hug, which I gladly accepted.

I felt my eyes getting heavy as I gently sobbed in his chest. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he carried me into the house. He brought me upstairs to our bedroom and put me down on the bed. He then left and came back with my favorite stuffed animal. "Koya!" I said as I my eyes lit up. Daddy just chuckled and handed it to me. "Alright Baby, Daddy has work to do for a little bit downstairs. So, if you need anything just let me know, okay?" Daddy said to me. "O-okay, Daddy." I said, half asleep. He gave me a kiss on the forehead before heading downstairs.

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