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Before we get into today's chapter, can we please admire this beautiful drawing at the top of Princesskitty118 AKA me. This is by my best friend terri3. She awesome. Anyway into the story...

Tina's POV~

Sabre leaves crying. I smile an evil smile. Not only does Ryan like me, but he doesn't remember dating Sabre.

"Who was that?" Ryan asks me. Instead of telling him that Sabre had a crush on him, I make things less awkward by telling him this...

"Oh, is just jealous because he has a crush on me." I say.

"But you don't like him, right?" He asks.

"Of course not, Cutie! I love you!" I blush. His eyes start to light up, showing that the potion is working.

"I love you too!" He says hugging me. We walk back to the play room holding hands. The girls start fangirling, especially Cookie and Kat. The boys just rolled their eyes. Ryan jumps on top of the table and I sit in my spot.

"It's about time." Cookie whispers.

"You have noooo idea." I whisper back.

"let's play a game!" Ryan says.

"OK, I'll go get the others." I say.

I run down the stairs to the basement. I was about to open the door, when I heard yelling. I look though the window and see Sabre screaming at UnicornMann. He also started getting a little violent. After a few minutes Goldy gives UnicornMann a healing potion.

I decide to walk in and act like I didn't see anything.

"Um...Hey guys." I mumble walking in. Goldy and UnicornMann look at me a little disappointed. Sabre looks like he was ready to tear me part with his bare hands.

"What's up, Tina?" Goldy asks.

"Probably ready to steal someone else's boyfriend." Sabre whispers quietly, but loud enough for me to hear. I'll admit I feel a little bad about what I did to him.

"We're all meeting in the playroom." I say walking about before it gets more awkward. They follow me back to the play room.

"Let's go play a game!!" Ryan shouts with a bright smile.

"I don't wanna play game..." Sabre says dragging himself up the steps to his room.

"Me neither" Goldy says following him.

"I have other things to do." UnicornMann says.

"Aw, why not?" Ryan asked.

"I'm too hurt" Sabre says. Ryan's eyes start glowing again.

"Look, Tina is mine! You'll just have to deal it." Ryan snaps. Sabre turns around disgusted and angry.

"Like I want that bitch!" He screams. Everyone glares at him in shock including Ryan. He runs to his room with Goldy following.
Still shocked, Ryan walks over to me.

"Are you sure he likes an you?" He asks.


So, Tina's getting her self into some web lies huh? Yes I do realize they're four, but I like drama. What's a better way to start it than with curse words. So you happy now SarahLOVEMESENPAI352? New chapter, YAY!!! Until next time...Bye!!! -Princesskitty118

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