Two New Faces

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Hello! Before we get into today's chapter, I'm giving their moms names. Ryan's mom is Rebecca and Sabre's mom is Claire. Anyway into the story...

Matt's POV~

I was down stairs watching the news while the kids were upstairs still asleep. I hear a knock on the door. I get up and open the door to see Claire and Rebecca.

"Oh hi, guys." I say waving and opening the door to let them in. 

"Hey Matt, thanks for watching the kids." Claire says. Rebecca hands me two $100 bills.

"What's this for?" I ask confused.

"One to buy the kids breakfast and the other to say thanks. If you have any leftover from breakfast, keep it" she replies.

"Oh thanks!" I say.

I go up stairs to wake up the kids. We all decide to go to an Cafè around the corner.

Ryan's POV~

Matt was taking us out to breakfast. When we get there, I see two kids that look familiar. They turn around and their eyes widen when they see us. One was a boy in a shark onesie and had on shades. I think it was Shark. The other was a boy with an moose onesie. They walked over to us.

"Uh.. Hey Ryan." He says. I give him an hug.

"Shark, I've missed you." I say.

"I missed you too." he says. Sabre gives me an blank face with a weak smile.

"Oh Shark, this is my b-" I start, but Sabre shakes his head. I nod showing that I understand.

"This is my best friend, Sabre." I say.

"Oh, nice to meet you," he says waving at Sabre. Wait! Is he blushing at Sabre!?! I look around and see Kat. Maybe he was looking at her.

"Nice to meet you, too" Sabre says shacking his hand which made Shark blush harder. Nope, he totally likes Sabre. I'll just ignore it, I mean Sabre would never leave me. He's too clingy.

I look over at the other dude, who was hitting on Tina.

"Hey beautiful," he says pointing his pointer finger and thumb in the shape of a gun, winking. Tina smiles and giggles at his compliment. He uses a few pick lines that Tina enjoys. Cookie had her arms crossed looking annoyed.

"Hey would you like to go out with m-" before he could finish, Cookie snaps.

"Look buddy, she's taken. So could you please back off!" She yells.

"By who?" He asked."

"That information is not important,... Wait, what's your name?" She says.

"Moose. And you are?" He answers.

"I'm Cookie and this is my best friend Tina." She responses.

"Well, I'll see you two ladies later." He says. He walked over to me.

"Hey, I'm Moose!" He says.

"Ryan!" I say.

"How do you know Shark?" He asks.

"He use to go to the daycare I was at, but he never came back one day."

We go over to him and Sabre.

"So are you coming back to daycare?" Sabre asked Shark.

"Of course! Moose, will you come too?"

"Sure, anything to see that tiger girl." He says blushing. Shark looks at Sabre and smiles.

"I'll see you guys later." he says waving to us. Then he and Moose leave.

SarahLOVEMESENPAI352 you saw this coming. VirgilLover13 you saw this coming. I saw it coming. All three of us saw this coming. BTW thanks for the idea. (Hope you have fun suffering XD JK) well hope you enjoyed. Until next time...Bye!!! -Princesskitty118

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