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Cynthia stood before her mirror while her hands were the only thing that supported her weight. She slowly looked up and stared for what felt to be the longest time before screaming at her reflection and smashing the mirror. 

The broken pieces fell to the floor leaving cuts on her legs and feet. The pain was subsided as she did worse to herself everyday. She saw every flaw within the time she looked in the mirror. She silently cried and she fell to the floor. 

Her eyes roamed over the glass and she picked up the sharpest once she could find. Looking at her wrist she saw more flaws. Everyone says how these things are beautiful. A work of art. Something that shows you're a fighter and that you're strong. 

But they're wrong. There is nothing beautiful about cutting. It's sad and disgusting when cutting is the only option. The scars mean she was weak one too many times. Not that she was strong. Cynthia's eyes closed in pain as her shaky hand crossed her wrist with the sharp shard of glass. 

The back of her head found the bathroom counter and she looked up with tears clouding her vision. She wanted to die. She didn't want to be here anymore. She felt so alone. There was nobody there for her. There was nobody that could help her. She was drowned in her thoughts. 

She had no one. Nobody would care. Nobody would notice. She needed this. And she needed it now. Cynthia shakily arose from the floor. She stepped over the glass and opened her draw. The 3rd draw from the left. Under her full sleeved shirts she found it. 

She took the rope and found a spare chair. Nobody was home. This was the perfect time. If she didn't do it now, she wouldn't go through with it ever again. Nobody cared. Nobody cared! She tied the rope from the built in wall shelf. Cynthia placed the rope around her neck and stood on the chair. With a shaky breath she kicked the chair from under her. Her hands immediately went to her neck. 

Scratching at the rope around her neck tears ran down her cheeks. The pain...oh god the pain. It hurt so bad. She changed her mind. She didn't want to do this! She wannted it to stop! She didn't want to die! She let out a strangled scream as she could feel her life slip away. A sudden bang of a door sounded through the girl's room as a boy looked at her with widened eyes and ran to her, taking off the rope. Cynthia gasped for air. Her lungs throbbed. Her neck throbbed. She suddenly starting sobbing and screaming. She yelled at the boy. Asking why he had done that. Saying it was almost done. 

The boy blonde boy shifted over to Cynthia, pulled the strands of hair out of her eyes and slowly kissed her lips. Cynthia froze, but then replied the with the same action. Cynthia finally felt something. Something she hadn't felt since she was a little girl. She felt loved. She felt needed. The boy detached his lips from hers and they both caught their breath. 

"Who are you?" Cynthia quietly asked the boy who had saved her life moments before. 

"Luke. I-I'm Luke." He replied while starring into her eyes. He couldn't believe he finally found her. He couldn't believe he saved her. 

"Thank you. Thank you so much, Luke." 


omg omg do you like it? 

i really like it omgz. 

okay okay i know what you're thinking, 

"3 chapters wat ze fuk?" 

but it's a short story! it' supposed to be short!

i've read stories that were 2 chapters! just sayin! 

 i honestly really feel for cynthia tbh 

she's a more depressed version of me ?¿ 

but anyway hope you liked it.

love you guys soo much!



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