#3 Humans
Okay so this isn't like humans in general but a specific group of humans. Now this rant could be about something important like the kkk or Westboro Baptist Church but I don't have to deal with that shit right now so I'll save it for another day.
So this rant is about people who give me dirty looks/say rude things about my appearance. Now, I do stick out with my masculine haircut and black clothes but that is no reason to be rude.
Like last week I was just casually looking at some CDs in Walmart and this old man just stops and looks me up and down. Of course my first thought was "ew wtf, perv", then I remembered my blue hair.
That may not seem like a big deal to you but it is to me. I am a young girl who already has low self esteem and the last thing I need is some "mature" adult making me feel like there's something wrong with how I look.
It's ridiculous. I've even had teachers do it. That's what pisses me off the most.
Like you're supposed to be teaching us not making snarky comments to you favorite students. Jesus, it's like they never left high school. Grow the hell up.
Sometimes I just really have to remind myself to be the bigger person. I have to remember that if someone is so bored with their own life that they have to insult me, then I should just pity them.
And if you're an asshole you does this type of stuff with towards anyone, solely based on appearance, you really new to change your mindset. I don't care why you think the way you do. Whether it be religion, home life, ect. I really couldn't care less. You need to stop.