The First Fight

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The masked armored man named Bulat spoke saying "Young man do you know who this is? She's a general of that wicked corrupt Empire" Tatsumi look at him in confusion and thought, Corrupt? No way, I heard great things about the Empire, all the people they save from the battles they've won. There's no way that could be true...right? He shook the thought off and said "That's not what I see, I see a beautiful woman fighting against 3 other people in an unfair fight. So let's even it up a bit". The general felt herself blush lightly at the comment but quickly disregarded it. Which in turn surprised her, she's never felt that way before  ever.

Tatsumi then turned to Esdeath and said "I've got the armored guy you take the two others okayyyy..." his voice slowly faded as he ran towards Bulat who wasn't too far away. She just nodded due to the fact that she was still a little surprised, an emotion she hasn't felt in a long time. She turned towards the two ladies and walk slowly and menacingly towards them. For some reason she couldn't get that boy out of her mind as she heard the clashing of their weapons.

Tatsumi was now focused on this man, who with closer inspection was completely ripped. Tatsumi could just tell by looking at the guy that this wasn't going to be an easy fight. He took his sword in both hands and charged towards Bulat again. Their weapons clashing as Tatsumi kicked at the men's armored chest into a backflip.

Tatsumi took note of the areas not covered by armour on the man's body whilst in the air and decided where his next strike was going to land. He changed his stance remembering a little something he learned from his old teacher in the village, the Blacksmith that taught him how to fight.

*Begin Flashback*

Little Tatsumi fell on his butt in defeat. He looked up at the tall burly man with a long blackish brown beard and a mighty mustache and said with panted breaths "How...did"?  The large man laughed and said in a deep scruffy voice "Its all in your breathing son, if you put less energy in your breathing by changing your breathing patterns; you can focus your energy on pushing your muscles and mind to move faster". The burly man bent down on one knee and looked at the younger version of Tatsumi and said "You can be faster then even light itself..."

*End Flashback*

Tatsumi thought heavily on those last few words his teacher said as he took his new stance and begin breathing differently. Bulat took notice of this and quickly brought his spear up to his chest to guard himself trying to pinpoint where the young villager would strike next. However, he was too late because Tatsumi had already been behind him after striking him in the left leg. Flabbergasted, Bulat fell to one knee and said " you're pretty good... for a villager". He simply nodded and replied with "Well, I had a great teacher".

Bulat stood stumbling, but only a little due to his injury. Tatsumi began his breathing technique to prepare for another strike but quickly halted and looked around. He's gone? He thought until he felt a sharp pain to his side and then a kick to that same area. Blood seeped through the open wound. He winced as he held his side and said "You're not so bad yourself...for a man in a suit". (Really the only comeback I could think of...sigh).

As the fighting continued, Esdeath blocked her enemies' attack. Akame again backflipped into safety. She was fast but not as strong as Esdeath. Esdeath suddenly stopped. She had felt a presence other than the villager by the name of Tatsumi. She slowly grinned for she knew exactly who was coming towards her. 

( I don't know if I should have the 3 beasts and the jaegers come orrr if I should wait and only have the 3 beasts come that way Tatsumi could help pick out the jaegers. The will be the same charters in the OG anime though. I don't know, decisions decisions...thanks again for reading and stay tuned!!)

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