The Taste Of His Blood Is Sweet

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I'M BACCCCCCCCCK!!!!!!!!! So a guy named Phillip or NaruHinadorable has decided to end his fanfic that I really enjoyed. He's had it up for grabs for anyone to finish and I think I'll do just that. Its's another EsdeathxTatsumi fanfic and he wrote it very well, so maybe after i finish this story I'll start it. So for those who want me to write some sort of sequel- I hope another book will suffice. Thank you again for allowing me to have this break and for welcoming me back. Now...let's begin the ending shall we?

None of this makes sense...why is my extract reacting no- rejecting me this way?

Esdeath was in her own thoughts as she showered, allowing the warm water to run down her skin. Easing the tension she felt from the whole situation that happened with Tatsumi just a few days ago. She recalled those haunting words her Demon's Extract screamed in her head.

"YoUr BeCoMiNg MuCh To SoFt FoR ThIs BoY!!!

KiLl HiM!

He Is MuCh To WeAk!!!

TaKe HiS bOdY!!!

TaKe HiS bLoOd!!!!

MaKe HiM yOuRs!!!!!!"

The words swirled in her head. She closed her eyes letting the steam envelop her as she went into to the deepest parts of her mind to find her answer. She reached a place where many manifestations of herself lay.

He's right, we have become soft. An Esdeath said.

We should have made him our's from the very beginning. Another stated.

What's stopping us from doing so now? He's just in the other room.

Yes! He is much, much weaker than us, breaking him will be fun! A sadistic one howled.

We love him! We took everything away from him! We force anymore and he will hate us! A kinder one shouted.

SO? This whole damned world hates us! What's one more? The weak always bend to the strong! One retorted!

NO! He is a warrior at heart! Warriors do not die! We know he is not weak! They are much to strong. That is the very reason we feel in love with him in the first place. One scoffed.

The real Esdeath was growing tired of the shouting and bickering. She began to leave this place. Her mind was fighting with her heart, it was a stalemate. It was pointless, she was getting nowhere.

Just as our mother hm! Mother was weak! She was a "warrior" too until she died that is, pathetic!

That had crossed the line.

"ENOUGH!" Esdeath roared.

The other Edeath's looked at her, confused.

Why was she so upset, what her other selfs had said was true but deep down...deep down she knew that was not the case. She loved her mother although not being able to actually meet her. She knew the cause of death. She knew a weakness had nothing to do with it but that was the way she was raised. Everything she had done was built upon that statement...

"The weak die and the strong live."

So why now? Why is she questioning her entire life? Her choices? Her words? Her actions? What changed?

She steeped out of the shower and looked into the mirror. A younger version of herself appeared. She was holding a little bear doll. Esdeath stared at her. Disgusted at the sight. She was weak and fragile, nothing like the Esdeath now. Yet, this Esdeath looked like it wanted to be set free. She wanted to escape and be allowed to speak.

Mama was strong! You're the weak one you big meanie! You hurt our Tatsumi. You buried me and pretended mama was weak to make yourself feel better! Don't lie! Tatsumi could never truly love you! He's only doing so because you killed everyone he knows! Everyone one he loved! You're a MONST-!

The little girl couldn't finish due to the now broken mirror. Esdeath punched the mirrored wall, shattering hit. Glass fell onto the sink as she let out a tear from pain and rage.

YoU aRe WeAk!

YoU dO nOT dEsErVe To WeiLd mE


Her Demon Extract was going rampant. Her body burned as she let out a scream, pain unlike any other fell over her form. She however, would not wavier. She stood, her hand still holding its position on the now shattered mirror where she punched it. She dared not move to cause more pain to her already aching wounds.

Her savior was none other than Tatsumi. He had busted down the door without her realizing. In that moment she couldn't hold back. Her Demon's Extract took over her mind, controlling her body. She leaped toward him like a tiger who had been starved for days and is now seeing food since that time. She wanted blood. She wanted the sweet cries of her enemies begging for mercy. Tatsumi summoned Incursio almost instinctively. The demon dragon within his soul warning him. He dodged her attack only barely. She was losing control and fading into black, the demon taking over. She needed to warn him. She could only muster one word.


He didn't though. He stood still, steadfast. He knew right off the bat that she was a sadistic woman and running would cause unnecessary casualties and only provoke her, making whatever's happening to her worse. He instead answered her with a nervous smirk.

"How about you come fight me right here and now?"

She smiled. It was crocked and evil. He could very well die but he didn't care. Esdeath needed his help and he wasn't going to run away.

Tyrant had informed him that this is what happens when a teigu rejects it's master.

Reject? Esdeath is the strongest person I know, no way her teigu would reject her!


Tyrant told him as he stared down Esdeath. His furrowed his brows.

So it was my fault...she's only second guessing herself because of me. She's changing...I have to fix this, it's my fault!

She had not moved since he told her to come at him. He had to think of a plan, what was one thing that she couldn't resist. Something to bring her back...


He brought up his spear and took his stance fully ready for a fight to the death. Esdeath didn't hesitate and leaped at him again. Only this time he did not run, in fact he did not flinch. He simply deactivated incursion and opened his arms. Catching Esdeath. Without any warning she started tearing at his flesh. Taking chunks of his flesh and repeating the word "mine" with a low growl. H he wanted to scream at the pain but truthfully he's felt worse. He's seen his entire village burnt down. A few bites was nothing compared to that pain. He enveloped her in a hug as she tore into his flesh. Allowing her to do as she pleased for once.

They stayed like that for exactly one minute, of course to Tatsumi it felt like forever. She stopped when she realized who's blood she was lapping up. His blood was always so sweet. Nothing like metal or iron.

"T-tatsumi..." She said in a low voice, something she's never done. She felt something awful pit in her stomach. She had hurt him...again. Why? She couldn't even remember how. One moment she's in the bathroom, the next she's on top of Tatsumi eating away at his flesh.

"I-What did-When I-!" She was stopped my his finger.

"It's okay...It was my fault. I'm sorry." he apologized knowing full well that she would be confused. That and he was surely to bleed out at any moment.

"Let's just get this patched up and we can talk okay?" He said flashing a very cute smile despite the situation he was in. She regained her composure and wiped off the blood like nothing happened. She picked him up and placed him on the bed before leaving to the bathroom to get medical supplies.

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