Chapter One : The Discovery

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"That's strange!" Tic said, puzzled like.

"What?" Tac asked, looking over towards him.

"That!" Tic said, and pointed off towards the horizon.

"Hmmm" Toe rubbed his chin as he too looked off to the horizon.

Sure enough, off on the horizon several little puffs of clouds had appeared. For most places that wouldn't draw anyone's alarm, but this was Dreamsland where the sky was always blue and there were NEVER ever a cloud in the sky (much less several little ones!) In fact, if you asked anyone in Dreamsland, they would tell you that the weather was always beautiful...always. The sky was always blue, the sun always shown down, and there was always a nice little breeze...always. But then most people wouldn't notice a small thing like little clouds on the horizon. In Dreamsland, everyone had their heads buried in their gardens. Gardens were the life- blood of Dreamsland.  And everyone was judged upon how well kept their garden was, or how many beautiful flowers their garden had, or maybe what exotic plants they could grow. If you were anyone you had a garden. If not, well.... you just didn't fit in.

"Trimese Twins" (or Tic, Tac, Toe to you) was exactly like that. He didn't care about gardens or competing with everyone else. He didn't even care if he fit it. He ALWAYS knew he was different, simply because he was Trimese.

"Strange indeed" Tic muzzled to himself. "We had better go tell someone".

"Yes, people need to know", Tac added.

They started off and had to jerk Toe by the shoulder because he was still looking. Trimese of course was three different brothers attached at the shoulders, but they had learned very early on how to walk in unison. Even though all three look similar in appearances, each had a distinct personality. Tic was usually in charge (or so he thought) and made most of their decisions. He was brash most of the time and was prone to being headstrong, but he had no fear. Tac (to his left) was more thoughtful and would observe things before saying anything. He was a thinker. He was usually more polite and knew how to get people to agree with him. Tac had the ability to make Tic think he was making the decisions, when(in truth) he was actually making them. And finally there was Toe (to Tac's left), the sweetest, most caring of the three. He was always a little nervous, a little insecure and would make a lot of jokes to hide that fact, although he generally had a great heart and wanted to please people and make them laugh.

Most people ignored Trimese simply because they were 'those lazy brothers who didn't grow a garden' but to others they were quite the sight, seeing the three of them all walking down the road that surrounded the central garden and separated it from all the citizens quaint little cottages.

Dreamsland was quite the sight too but in a different way. It was quite beautiful actually. There was the "Central Garden" in the very center of the little village. That was the huge beautiful garden run by the "City Elders" (or the local government).  It was oval in shape and full of all kinds of beautiful flowers, plants and such. There were always birds flying to and fro above the garden and they filled the air with music just as the flowers below filled the air with sweet smelling scents.

Outside of that was "The Track". It was the walkway that went all the way around it and connected everyone together. All the citizens little cottages sat on the land outside the track surrounding it. If you wanted to visit a neighbor, you simple walked down your own sidewalk past your garden to your front gate and then to the track until you reached your destination. Some would take walks on the track in the evenings to enjoy the spring like air or the setting sun, which was always beautiful.

Of course, at one end of the oval shape track was the "Building of the City Elders", in a big building on top of a hill. It was an impressive building with tall pillars in front that held the city library, the city records, the city courthouse and the offices of the City Elders. The builders of the city felt that only on such a hill could they (the leaders) earn the respect of the fine citizens and besides, it was a great place to over see everything.

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