Still the same day jaylin told jazz what happened at school
*jazz* (yells) trey
*trey*yea (he yelled back)
*jazz*come here
*trey*ok what?
*jazz*its some girls at school messing with jaylin i am going up to the school in the morning and if it dont stop i am letting you know now i am going to let her beat that girl ass and if the media try to come to our house in be in our business i am just going to have to go off cause these kids not about to be doing her like she some weak ass bitch it has gone to far she pushing her and stepping on her shoes hell nah
*trey*it might be bad but i agree cause if the school dont do nothing about then baby girl here have to take care of her business
*jaylin*bruh i am so glad yall gave me the ok i want her to test me tomorrow
*jazz*no i said you can fight if the school doesn't do nothing about it
*jaylin*ok and can i have a sleep over this weekend with a few friends
*jaylin*yes i am happy I am about to go text them right now
*jaden*ma who going to be at the event
*jazz*Armon Kingston Nikki us and some more people cause its like a interview for something they doing
*jaden*aww ok
Time skip next morning
The girls was up getting ready for school*trey*(knocked on jaden door) get up jaden
Trey and jazz went down stairs jazz did the usual .....30mins later they was done getting dressed and now eating and talking
*zaria*we got a track meeting today so i want be home until like 5
*jaden*i got football practice for the rest of this week and we got a game next monday
*trey*i will be there
*jaylin*i got cheer practice tomorrow and Friday
*jazz*when i get done getting ready it will be time for us to go
*trey*i am coming to cause i dont have time to try to get you out of jail
Trey and jazz left to get ready its just them downstairs
*jaden*that school better get ready cause if they get smart with ma you know she going to go off
*zaria*i hope she dont cause mama crazy when she get mad
*jaden*have any of yall talked to bella lately
*zaria*yea i talked to yesterday she said that this weekend they coming here
*jaylin*dang that means my friends have to come next weekend i dont think mama realize that
*jaden*me either
Jazz and trey comes downstairs
*jazz*get yall stuff and lets go
Skip the car ride now at the school
Office lady... Ol principle.. P*ol*may i help you
*jazz*can i speak with the principal
*ol*yea come right through the doors
*ol*follow me to her office just have a seat she will be in here shortly
5mins later the principal come

jazz and trey luv forever
Fanficin this book it comes based off of my other book jazz and trey luv story but this is years into the future where they got married and had kids they have 2 kids a girl and a boy the girl is 15 and the boy is 16 and if you haven't read jazz and trey l...