Chapter 2

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“Goodbye Xavier Steele,” just then the doors closed in front of her and Jez leaned back against the wall, taking a deep breath, it was still too closed.


She quickly went outside and tossed her head back as a light drizzle started down. Jez took a deep breath of the salt air and then headed for the car with one last look at the intimidating Steele Tower. Easily she slipped into Gwyn’s car with the distinct feeling of being watched from above as she slipped into traffic and drove off. As soon as she got home she saw Gwyn sitting at her computer at the kitchen table and the moment she saw Jez she opened her mouth to start questioning her. Jez dropped the recorder, paper and keys on the table as she didn’t stop, “Question tomorrow, sleep now.”


Gwyn smiled softly as she watched her friend go before hearing the bedroom door close. The next morning she got up and pulled on a pair of jean shorts, her high top converse, and a black tank top and pulled her hair up into a bun held up by a few chopsticks. She grabbed the keys to her Pontiac and headed to work. She pulled up to a huge two story building that used to be an old warehouse. It was one of the biggest music stores in the West Valley and she loved working there. Whenever Jez was working she was always put in charge of the music on the speakers because she would always pick the most eclectic stuff. One song would be a pop song; the next could be old men chanting. But she always brought in mixed CD’s that would last only as long as her shift, she never played the same song twice.


As she walked into Michael’s Music she instantly was swept up into the hustle and bustle of the busy day. When she finally got a break she was sitting behind the front counter, quietly eating some pretzels with peanut butter and doing some paperwork when she felt a presence standing over her. She glanced up and her eyes widened as she saw Xavier Steele standing in front of her. “Welcome to Michael’s Music, if you wanna hear it we have it.”


He grinned crookedly as she said the line that they were always supposed to use, “You seem pretty sure of your collection don’t you?”


At that challenge Jez instantly bristled, she made sure that Michael’s wasn’t solely focused on one genre, “If we don’t, and I’ll bet anything we do, I know where to find it.”


Xavier Steele raised a single dubious eyebrow, “Anything?”


Jez nodded her head, “I’m that sure in our music collection.”


“Okay, well then,” he crossed his arms across his chest, “I have a date tonight and I need some music for it.”


Jez leaned back in her chair and crossed her legs, “What kind of girl is she? Where are you taking her on this date? Do you want to get laid afterwards?”


Xavier Steele chuckled slightly and shook his head, making Jez shrug, “I can’t give you good options unless I get a few more details.”


“Yes of course I want to get laid tonight; she’s quiet, shy but a succubus in bed. Dinner is at my hotel room, candle light.”


Jez hopped off of the stool and started heading upstairs, on the way she picked up a few CD’s all the while feeling Xavier Steele following her.  She picked up one or two smooth jazz CD’s and finally as she was reaching for a few more CD’s she spun back around to ask him a question and didn’t realize how close he was to her. He had to have been only two inches away from her. She stumbled slightly and he reached out and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close so she wouldn’t fall. That small contact sent sparks of electricity through her blood. She felt her entire body stop for a moment before he slowly let her go. She cleared her throat and took a step back, “Do either of you have any objections to any kind of music?”

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