" Alright marissa let show you how the weeping angels defend there selves". Marissa thought for a minute she had
nothing better to do when she got home. She had a boyfriend but he was a big jerk. He always puts work before her.
Even on holidays. He worked as a house sailsmen and he wasn't really good at it, the reason he worked there is because
It paied well. Marssia had made up her mind. " alright doctor how dose a weeping angel kill?" Asked marssia " okay
Marissa I want you to look at the weeping angel ". Marissa did what she was told she looked at the angel eyes locked on
It's eyes. " alright Marissa now I want you to look away and then look back at the angel" said the doctor. Again Marissa
Did what she was told she looked away from the angel and looked back. That was then when I realized my life whould
Never be the same again the angel MOVED