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Jungkook's POV

The next day I woke up and carefully pulled away from Taehyung before grabbing some clothes and heading to the shower, when I got there I read the time on the phone, 9:29am it read meaning I still had a hour and a half until my friends came.

I went into my music and pressed shuffle before putting it down, I then stripped and quickly hopped in the shower, I sang along to the songs as I cleaned myself off.

I soon finished and turned off the tap before hopping out and getting changed, after I got changed I started to work on my hair, still singing along.

Once I had finished with my hair I paused the music, put my phone in my pocket and grabbed my dirty clothes before heading out of the room.

I reached my room and quietly walked pass Taehyung to put my clothes in the basket before creeping back out, I closed to door as quietly as I could and walked down the stairs as the smell of pancakes filled my senses, I grinned and ran down the stairs to the kitchen.

When I got there I saw Junghyun flipping pancakes over in the pan,

'Hey are you making pancakes?'

I asked as he turned behind him to look at me before nodding,

'Do you want me to help you?'

I asked as he nodded,

'There's a lot of pancake mix, could you get out a pan and start on making some yourself?'

He asked me as I nodded and walked over to the nearby cupboard grabbing out a pan, I sat the pan beside Junghyun's on the heat before grabbing some butter and melting it, I then poured in some pancake mix onto my pan, processing to cook them.


About half an hour later we finished the final batch of pancakes and turned of the stove, I took the pancakes and put them on the dining table,

'Hey Kookie?'

I heard Junghyun say catching my attention,

'Can you please wake up Taehyung, he's still asleep again'

He said sighing, I nodded and smiled softly,

'Ok I'll do that now'

I said as I started heading up the stairs before reaching my room, I tried to quietly open the door and peeked my head through the door, surprised when I saw Taehyung already up, getting changed, I blushed at the sight when I noticed that he was almost about strip completely, I coughed loudly as my cheeks flushed,

'B-breakfast I-is r-ready come d-down when you a-are r-r-ready'

I said looking down at the ground awkwardly as I heard him laugh at me like always,

'Ok I'll be down soon, after I get changed'

I nodded my head before standing there for a but unsure what to do,

'Cutie you should probably go now unless you want to see me naked'

He said winking at me as I blushed once more and I nodded my head,


I said before shutting the door close and heading back downstairs, my cheeks still flushed. When I reached the dining room Junghyun had already started eating I soon joined in.

When I was halfway through my third pancake I saw Taehyung coming downstairs, I felt myself blush as I stared down at my plate and he sat down beside me,

'You made pancakes! This looks amazing'

He said enthusiastically before grabbing some, I quickly met his eyes before turning back to my plate and finishing of my pancake.

After a quite quiet breakfast Taehyung stood up,

'Well I'm going to get ready, cutie's friends are over soon and Yoongi is coming at 12:30'

He said as Junghyun and I both nodded before he headed back upstairs, I loud sigh escaped me as he left, my beating heart calmed down finally,

'I'll go clean up'

I said grabbing Junghyun's plate and the one Taehyung left behind before grabbing my own, Junghyun mumbled a small 'thank you' and smiled at me before walking off to his room.

Once he was gone I started washing the dishes as my thoughts started to consume me, why was I so nervous with Taehyung around? Was it because of before? It must of been because of that I thought to myself before forgetting about it completely, it was fine, I definitely was not starting to like Taehyung, never ever would that happen.

Sorry this was kinda a filter,
I promise it will be good new chapter ❤️

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