My name is John bayani,I'm an highschool student,with the highest grades in all sudjects,the top of the class.I was an orphan when I was born in life,I have neither enemies nor friends.No parents or relatives either,so I'm just a loner.
At the end of school,everyone else was just going home or going with friends in some place to have fun.
Unlike me,I was going back to the orphange alone.
When I was walking back I stopped in an alley,and saw a small dark figure.
"Oh,hello mr. Cat how have you been today.Did you find a new place to live in other than the orphange,or are you here to pick me up this time."(john)
"Meow~"(mr. cat)
At that moment mr. Cat jumped to my chest.This was the fifth time Im doing this since we was a black cat with yellow eyes like the moon.
"Hey mr. Cat,do you think that I'll make friends in the future,or a family or anyone at all to be honest."(john)
I asked while walking with him in my arms.
"...meow~"( tilted his head from side to side.
At the moment I said that,something felt strange.
I let go of and screamed in pain.My head was hurting real bad,like it was going to was just looking at me with his giant yellow eyes like he knows whats happening to me.
And in that moment everything turned black,the last figure I saw was mr. Cat walking towards me.
.It was 30 seconds of silence,in the darkness I was in.I cant breath,I cant move,I cant see,I cant do anything,I wasnt even suffocating.In those thoughts everything turned white.
"IM SO SORRY!!!"(???)
In front of me was an old man that looks to be at his 70's apologing in front of me contineusley.
Pls. Still a noob

From human,to cat ,in another world
FantasyJohn bayani was an highschool student in the age of 17.He lived in the philipines,with no parents or relatives,and as an orphan in the orphanage.He was the best in his class in all subjects,even in pe.He had no bullies or rivals,even friends in his...