Chapter 1

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I am not a good writer I just wanted to make this story and see how it went, if the reviews are good I might continue but I am that kind of person to ask for reviews to continue a fanfic. This is my first time writing something and I don't expect it to be any good. So please forgive the terrible writing.

  Derek Shepherd was a good man. He tried with represents marriage, he tried so very hard to make it work but nothing ever worked out. Addison was just incredibly difficult, he loved her, or at least he tried to love her. What could he do, he couldn't just get up and leave in the middle of the night, that's not how someone just leaves when their marriage isn't working? He would have to finalize a divorce. But he didn't want to. 11 years of being with someone and just to throw it away like that. He couldn't do it, but he had to.

"Addison, can we talk, I have something to ask you? Derek said with sadness in his eyes. It had been a rough couple of years living with Addison, trying to fix their marriage. They tried everything, holidays with just the two of them, going to the Brownstone to get away from the city and even trying to have conversations any time they could but still nothing, it's like the love wasn't there anymore, it was only emptiness.

"Sure, Derek what do you want to talk about?" She questioned.

"I uh uh I umm I want to get a divorce" He looked at the ground knowing Addison would lose it.
There was silence for what seemed liked hours until she finally said something.

"No, we are not quitting, we are Addison and Derek, college sweethearts, we can get through this, you do not get to quit on us!" Addison yelled at him, she was tearing up.

"Addie, I can't, we've tried everything, face it we don't love each other anymore, I don't love you anymore," Derek said still looking at the ground with tears in his eyes.

"Y-you don't love me anymore. I love you, and you're the one person I will ever love, we've been through hell and you don't love me anymore," She was crying now, tears rolling down her face and landing on the hardwood floor.

"No, I don't love you anymore not for the past 3 years, I just wanted to stay to see if it would work out but it hasn't. I'm just going pack my things and sleep somewhere else tonight, we will meet with the divorce lawyers in the morning," Derek explained while getting his clothes from his wardrobe.

Addison stood in the doorway blocking his way out. "You are not leaving, we can get through this, we can be happy again, you can love me again!" She shouted trying to make him submit.

He pushed her out of the way and practically ran down the stairs and grabbed the car keys. "I'm leaving. I will see you tomorrow with the divorce lawyers."He said while grabbing a few other things.

Addison followed him downstairs, running after him. "No Derek don't do th-" he slammed the front door in her face.

Derek didn't know where he was going to be staying or where he was going to work. He didn't want to quit his job. He loved working at Seattle Grace. He always got the best cases, and his co-workers were amazing and he got a rush every time he stepped into the building. He didn't want to leave. That hospital was like a second home although it felt like home for the past 3 years. He never really slept at his house, always at the hospital.

Derek kept driving until he found the Emerald City Bar. This bar was popular with doctors and nurses because it was right across the street from the hospital. He had never been there before, Addison always made him go to the expensive restaurants and hotels, never any bars. He parked his car in the bars car park and walked in. As soon as he walked in he noticed this extraordinary woman. She had beautiful dusty blonde hair and she was wearing a black dress with a slit on the side.

He sat down two bar stools away from her and ordered a drink, "could I have a scotch single malt," he asked the bartender. While waiting for his drink he was looking over at the mysterious woman sitting two seats down. He saw a snippet of her eyes; they were green, a beautiful green at most.

"Here you go" the bartender gave Derek his drink.

He kept looking at her not able to take his eyes off of her. She was with another person talking and laughing. Derek heard her voice, and it was amazing, it was soft and sweet but probably sounded firm when she needs to be. Her giggle was sweet and sounded amazing, Derek has never heard anything like it. All he could imagine was making her laugh for the rest of his life, raising kids with the same laugh and they had dusty blonde or dark hair with gorgeous greenish blue eyes. Why was Derek thinking about making a life with he hasn't even really met her and all he could think about were their children?

Derek finally worked up the courage to talk to her. Should he even be doing this he just left his wife? He walked over anyway. "Hi, can I buy you a drink?"  

Alright, this is the first chapter, I know I know it sucks. But who is going to read this? Let me see a show of hands ahh look no one put their hands up. But since I have nothing better to do I'm going to make another chapter.

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