= Chapter 13 || Movie day=

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"Well yesterday was eventful" Said Yoongi, staring at Jimin. The hoodie that had caused them so much trouble hugged his body loosely.

"Yeah it was, wasn't it master?" Jimin smiled contently, tugging the hoodie over his hands. It was like he hasn't even realise what he'd said. Yoongi just stared... And stared... And then stared some more.

"Master?!" He spluttered almost choking on his own saliva. Jimin looked away from the hood, looking Yoongi in the eyes. The dawning realisation hit Jimin like a slap in the face.

"O-oh my g-Ah I'm so sorry!" His face flushed a deep red as he curled into a ball, prepared to die of embarrassment. Yoongi couldn't help but stare astonished.

"Holy shit, you have a master kink?!" Yoongi burst out, holding back a bubble of laughter. Shrinking into a tighter ball, Jimin whines.

"No! Hyung! I don't!" Jimin whines, redder than a tomato.

"Oh so you just randomly say master?" Taunted Yoongi, earning a glare from the younger.

"No... My old owner used to make me call him that" A hint of sadness crept into Jimin's voice. Stopping his next remark, Yoongi furrows his eyes brows. Such an out of character thing for him to say...

"Sorry Chim, didn't mean to" Apologised Yoongi, scratching the back of his neck. Jimin shrugged it off, plastering a smile onto his face.

"Movie day?" Breaking the awkward silence Jimin looked to Yoongi for confirmation.

"Sure, what movie?"

"Deadpool 2"

"Aren't you a bit young"

"Excuse me" Jimin stared offendedly, his lips falling into a pouts and his arms crossing themselves over his chest.

"You look like a 6 year old" Smiling teasingly, Yoongi tilted his head at the other.

"Well you look 60!" Jimin exclaimed, his tone gone from sad to sassy in a millisecond.


"Yes grandpa"

"Kids these days" Scolded Yoongi, smiling playfully. Jimin stuck his tongue out, giggling at Yoongi.

"Asshole" Yoongi stares surprised, not expecting to be insulted like that.

"Oh really?" Yoongi smirks, tackling Jimin to the floor.

"YAH! HYUNG YOU'RE HEAVY!" Screeches Jimin, now having his wrist held above his head by one of Yoongi's hands. He then uses his free one and tickles Jimin's sides.

"H-hyung bahaha -sto-ahaha!" He wriggles around, trying to escape from Yoongi's evil clutches.

"Sorry I don't speak kid" He laces his voice in a sickeningly sweet way, smirking down at the younger.

"A-aha-sshole" Mewled Jimin, unable to even free his wrists. Yoongi had him pinned tightly as he abused his sides. Yoongi has no trouble holding the boy in place, as he stares him down. Jimin's face was contorted in laughter, as a laugh that could only be described as rainbows escaped his lips.

"Maybe if you beg I'll let you go" Smirking, he kept a tight grip on Jimin's thrashing body beneath him. The look that crossed Jimin's face was vividly like one he'd seen in a dream recently. In no way was that dream innocent by the way. He had pounded the little hybrid til he couldn't walk. The mixture of blush and shock was evidentially spread across Jimin's face, as he couldn't bring himself to even look at the elder.

To Jimin, the room began to feel smaller, especially seeing as Yoongi was intensely staring at him. A small smirk across his face, yet his eyes clouded over and distant as if he wasn't actually with him. He seemed pretty zoned.

"Hyung" Murmured Jimin, scared of what the elder was thinking. He'd never seen that face and felt quite violated.

"Fuck Jimin, you're too cute" A gruff tone escaped Yoongi's lips, as he brought his free hand up. Running his fingertips over Jimin's plump lips, he couldn't take his eyes off him.

Jimin stopped thrashing, calmly staring at the elder. "T-thanks h-hyung " He studdered, a deep red reaching his cheeks.

Yoongi studied the boy beneath him, contemplating something that could change everything.

"W-why are you staring?" Jimin squeaked out.

Fuck it, I'm doing it, Yoongi told himself. He bent down, reaching his free hand out and stroking his ear. Jimin moaned at the contact, causing Yoongi to pull his hand away quickly.

Yoongi stared in confusion. Why did he moan?

Noticing the confusion on his face, Jimin blushed knowing the unholy sound that had just come out of his mouth.

"I'm sensitive" Murmured Jimin, his ear twitching lightly. He loved being stroked. There was no wording to describe how much he loved it. But he also had a boundary, he would never let a stranger touch him. Only at this stage, Yoongi.

"Sorry, I didn't realise" Apologised Yoongi. Second time today he'd upset Jimin, he was on a roll.

"No" Whispered Jimin.


"Keep doing it... It feels nice" Mumbled a fluster Jimin. Gulping, Yoongi began stroking the younger's fluffy ears again. Little mewls and moans tumbled out of Jimin's lips as he pushed his head against Yoongi's hand in pure pleasure. Yoongi couldn't help but stare in awe at Jimin. He'd never seen or heard such a beautiful creature.

Despite the somewhat sexual noises, Yoongi wasn't overly aroused by them. He was too caught up in the boy's beauty. As he stroked him, he noticed the boy's tail swaying. I wonder if he likes that too...

Releasing his wrists, Yoongi gently gripped the base of Jimin's tail, stroking gently.

"Ngh~" A much louder moan escaped his lips, followed by a shudder of whimpers. It was as if his reaction had been amplified. Yoongi pulled his hand from the blushing hybrid.

"You liked that??"


Smiling sweetly, Yoongi brushes Jimin's hair back from his face. Pretty kitten.

Blushing cutely, Jimin hides his face with his now free hands. Pulling them away from his face, Yoongi leans down pressing his lips to Jimin's. Jimin was quite surprised but kisses back, letting Yoongi take control. There was no neediness or desperation, just a gentle kiss.

Breaking the kiss, Yoongi pulls back his eyes travelling from Jimin's lips to his wide eyes.


So sorry for the late update guys! I finally completed exams and failed my maths one, 39%. But ill try to update more~

 But ill try to update more~ ~C

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