= Chapter 11 || Don't worry =

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"Hyung... Hyung... HYUNG! WAKE THE FUCK UP!" Shouts Jimin, straddling Yoongi. Yoongi tries to move his half asleep body over to escape the loud sound from above him, but finds himself trapped beneath the annoying little shit that he'd pretty much adopted for the time being .

"Fuck off Jimin" A low rumble emitted from the elder.

"Make me food" Stubbornly, Jimin kept pestering Yoongi, hoping his annoyance would break through.

"Fuck off"

"Make me food"

"I'll make you food if you fuck off"

"Alright" With that being said, Jimin skipped off, happy as Larry. Yoongi couldn't help but be amazed at the fact that the boy was up and bouncing around like it wasn't even 7 o'clock in the morning.

Yoongi's hair was in all different directions, as if he had been electrocuted- But no it was just the mere fact of; He had really bad bed hair.

His hands clenched tightly around the blanket, tugging it closer to him as if it would help him fall back to sleep. This ploy failed, as he stared wide awake up at the ceiling above him. So boring and plain, with little intricate designs decorating the skirts. He didn't see the point of decorating the ceiling skirts, yet it was such a common thing. Sometimes it was just a thought of whether or not it was another way people had made to flaunt their money. But if that was the case then how come it was in his home? He wasn't rich, he lived on limited money. He wasn't broke but he wasn't rich.

Finally after minutes of silence Yoongi finally sits up, slipping out from the protection of his bed. He had no motivation whatsoever, but he also didn't want an annoying little hybrid disturbing him all day so he had no better option.

Dragging his feet across the floor, he heaves his weight to the bathroom. Doing his business, Yoongi washes his hands and then shuffles into the kitchen.

It'd been ages since he'd last cooked, living off mostly ramen and pizza- And the occasional takeout. He wasn't in anyway professional, but he did have basic cooking skills. Jin was more helpful then most realised, especially when it came to cooking. He'd taken the time to try and teach both Yoongi and Namjoon to cook; only Yoongi was successfully taught.

"Pancakes?" Looking at Jimin for confirmation, Jimin nods eagerly. Jimin hasn't had pancakes since he was little.

The hybrid's tail swayed happily, matching his wide grin etched on his face. For the first time in ages Jimin felt happy with the way life was going right now. He couldn't help thinking, I wish things never change.

Taking out the butter, flour and eggs, Yoongi starts measuring the ingredients into the bowl.

"Hyung! Can I mix please?" Pleads Jimin, his wide begging eyes, peering out from beneath his mop of fluffy orange hair.

Yoongi pauses what he's doing and looks at Jimin, surprises at his pleas.

"Really?" He can't help but question Jimin.

"Yeah! Please hyung- Pretty please with a Chimmy on top" He begs, staring almost desperately at Yoongi.

Smiling happily, Yoongi pushes the bowl and wooden spoon over to Jimin.

"So cute..." Mumbles Yoongi to himself, still smiling about the boy's 'Chimmy on top'.

Chimmy on top... Bouncing on my d-

Before Yoongi can finish processing his thoughts, Jimin's voice slices through.

"Thanks hyung" Stirring the mixture, Jimin happily sings to himself.

Yoongi watches him from his peripheral vision, fascinated by not only his persona but his voice. Never in a million years would Yoongi had thought the cute boy could sing, but here he was standing in the same room as him singing with the most gorgeous voice he'd heard. There was no way you could hate it, and if you did then you must be fucking deaf. His tone was so soft and smooth, something that suited him perfectly.

After snapping from his daze Yoongi turns the stove top on, placing a frying pan on top after spraying it with canola spray.

"You done Chim?"

"Mhm, it's all smooth and creamy Suga hyung" Chirps Jimin, grabbing the bowl of mixture and placing it beside the stove. I know what else is smooth and creamy... Yoongi smirks to himself.

"You did brilliant" Comments Yoongi as he tips some of the mixture in the pan and lets it bubble before flipping it over.

After doing this repeatedly, he grabs the pancakes that lay on a large dinner plate and puts it on the centre of the dining table, along with two smaller plates.

Both the boys grab a small plate each, taking a pancake and coating it with whatever topping they desired; jam, ice-cream, lemon and suga, butter, or maple syrup.

As Jimin ate his pancakes he'd mix and match toppings, making Yoongi laugh at his curiosity.

"Suga hyung these are so yummy" Exclaims Jimin with a mouthful of food. Yoongi gives him a look of distaste.

"Manners Chim"

"Right, sorry!" Jimin apologises once he finishes his mouthful this time. He smiles proudly knowing he'd just done the right thing, earning a thumbs up from Yoongi.

Once they'd finished the pancakes, Jimin jumped up grabbing the dishes and putting them beside the sink. A look of surprise washes across Yoongi's face. Without paying attention to Yoongi, Jimin fills the sink with hot water and dishwashing liquid.

Cleaning the dishes, he leaves them on the drying rack, turning to Yoongi smiling weakly.

This was nothing new for Jimin, it was normal for him to do chores.

"You didn't have to. You're a guest" Says Yoongi, taking the washed dishes and wiping the water away with a tea-towel.

"I wanted to" ...It's my job since I can't do anything else right...

"Alright but don't feel obliged" Chuckles Yoongi, placing the dishes in their original cupboards. Jimin watches carefully, studying and trying to remember where Yoongi places each dish. It would be of assistance so he could pack them away next time for Yoongi.

"What do you want to do?" Yoongi leans on the bench, looking over to Jimin. Shopping... The thought crossed Yoongi's mind as he realised the kitten was wearing his clothes still.

"Actually we'll go shopping"

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