hard to explain.

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Steph Pov

Now it's been 3 months since me and Tez been together. But I like it, Kayla and Niyahh are in a relationship now they'll be going on 2 months very soon and simba just now telling us about her girlfriend ky everything is going great for all of us. Only thing is I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL THIS BITCH HOEMYGAWD 🤦🏾‍♂️.

"When my sister was over here she said something about jazz and it got to me I really really miss her" Tez says to me fiddling with her fingers.

"okay go be with her" was all I said before getting up out the bed grabbing the cup I used earlier taking it down to the kitchen I hear her following after me rambling on about some bullshit I'm really not tryna hear at all.

"I wanna be with you I just miss her vibes and the conversations we used ta have" she says while I start washing the dishes glancing back at her shaking my head I continue doing what I'm doing cause she is pissing me off rn.

"i feel like you wanna be with jazz .. but sure whatever you say tez" I say rinsing the rest of the dishes putting them up in the dish drain walking away.

"Can you stop fucking walking away when I'm sitting here having a fucking conversation with you nigga that's disrespectful as fuck" tez yells behind me grabbing my arm making me stop walking turning around.

"you want me to sit here and listen to you talk about how you miss your damn ex, bitch you really need to get the fuck out of my face with that dumb shit" I calmly say to her snatching my arm from her and this nigga starts laughing.

"it's a prank chill out" she says walking away seriously cracking the fuck up like damn bitch just forget about me and my feelings I get no hug, kiss or nothing but whatever lemme get dressed I got plans today.

Tez Pov

HOLAAAAA MAMACITAS okay nah but wassup she left a good hour said she was going over her mom house and take out her hair or something long as I text messages throughout the day I'm all good guess I'll write today I been feeling a lil down lately and i don't bother my girlfriend with my nagging and crying.

Reaching over the edge of the bed I grab my blue and white composition book with the black pen stuck to it i lay on my stomach fixing my headphones and my phone putting it on silent playing Kendrick Lamar Fear turning the sound all the way up opening my book I flip to a random empty page.

5/32/18  @4:59 p.m.
Well I've been thinking about everything lately i love my girlfriend alot and she loves me too, my mom called me the other day and told me my grandma was in the hospital she kept passing out and vomiting but I texted her today and they say she is all better I'm glad at that i plan on going to Delaware and see her soon.
On a more unexplainable note i had a dream about my uncle i think that may be the reason for the long faces i kinda feel like my girlfriend is all I have it's so much around me but only one person I can be with, it's like a game one thing comes with the package but you have to unlock everything else and you stay up all night playing tryna unlock these levels with no help... yeah that's my life everything is slowly crumbling and I can feel it.

After journaling some more person stuff i finally just put my book and pen back where it was clicking on my phone I see I got some messages but nun from Steph texting her a quick "wyd" i look at the time and it's damn near 7 maybe doing hair takes longer den i thought. Setting an alarm for 11 o'clock i put my phone on the nightstand laying down going to sleep.

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