Chapter 2

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After the first week we all calmed down and Eric the boy was at briannas locker again i went over there and said hi to him and brianna.

"Hey i have to go to math."

"Okay bye"

Me and brianna said bye only eric gave us both a hug before he went to math.

His hugs were so warm and he gentaly wraped his arm around me and from then on i knew i had a huge crush on him.

A few days passed and i had a sleep over at Briannas house we had so much fun then i realised who she was texting...

She was texting Eric so i asked her for his number and she gave it to me.

"Umm... Brianna?" i asked

"Yeah what?"

"Umm who do you like?"

"Oh uh-" she said blushing

I knew she liked eric it was obviouse but it broke my heart to hear her say his name.

" I like Eric" she said frowning

"Oh uh about that i really like him to and i just texted him that so yeah" i said hesitantly we went to sleep after i told her that we didnt say a word.

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