The germans/phone call

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Prussia walked down the stairs and entered the kitchen where he found his younger brother eating breakfast, "morning west" he hit his brother on the back as he walked towards the fridge.

"morning Prussia" he looked at his brother search through the fridge and pull out the milk.

"So we going to have fun this week" Prussia looked at his brother giving him a smug smile. Knowing that all the nations had a week off from their bosses he was planing the most awesome week ever.

"Actually" Germany looked up at him keeping his straight face ," I'm planing to spend the week with Italy "

Prussia spit the milk out of his mouth "WHAT?" He stared at his younger brother "well I guess I could ask Spain"

Germany gave a half smile at his brothers anger "actually, Spain is coming to he plans on spending the week picking tomatoes with Romano.

Prussia just stared at his little brother "France?"

"Well as far as I know France is staying home with England and their kids"

Prussia instantly smiled, France had been his longtime friend but after he got married to England he could only go out on the weekends and Never mind when Canada and America were born. The best part was he loved little Canada. "Okay I'm gonna call him up" he ran out of the kitchen.

"Yo France, is it okay if I come visit you guys in London for the week"

"I don't know, I'm gonna have to ask England I mean you are going to be coming to his country" France put the phone on his shoulder but Prussia could still hear the voices on the other end. "ANGLETERRE!!"

"Yes" the Brit replied from the top of the stairs

"Is it okay if Prussia comes over for the week"

"I guess, as long as he doesn't bring that obnoxious bird with him"

"He said yes"

"Okay see you tomorrow" Prussia hung up the phone and started packing his things.

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