Finally prucan

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Canada gazed into Prussia's eyes, "Y-yes, Gil?"

He leaned down a little more do they were almost touching and than he kissed him, he wanted to kiss him for so long and he finally got the chance.

Canada gasped. He just couldn't hold it in, he was so surprised. He closed his eyes and kissed back softly, placing his hands on Prussia's shoulders.

Prussia could feel him kiss back and pushed him towards the cushions of the couch they pulled away for a second for breath "Canada I really like you okay" he looked into the younger boys eyes and kissed him on the cheek.

Canada moved his hands to the back of Prussia's neck for support. "I-I like you too, Prussia." He turned his head to meet his lips again. "A lot..."

Prussia broke away for a second "really, I loved you for so long" he bent back down and continued to kiss Canada and than started placing kisses down his neck.

"I-" but he was stopped short when he released a little moan. He tilted his head up so Prussia could have more room to move his skilled lips.

Prussia was unbuttoning Canada's shirt when he heard foot steps stop right in front of the living room door.

"What are you guys doing?" They looked up to see America standing there staring at them and Prussia instantly turned 5 different shades of red.

"We... We were just... We were making out, so please leave!" Canada was so embarrassed about being caugh like this, he didn't know what was coming out of his mouth. Actually it surprised him that he was so forward. He immediately turned his head away from his brother and let a tear slip down his cheek.

Prussia looked down at Canada, who openly just says to their brother that they are making out with someone. Than the tear caught his eye "Alfred I think you should go" he made a stern look at the older twin.

After Alfred left he got off of Canada "what's wrong" Prussia was concerned did he do something wrong?

"Just.. That was so embarrassing." Canada said sitting up, "And I didn't want to be so mean." A thought came to his head then making him worry. "What if he tells England or France what he saw!?"

"Crap England's going to kill me if he hears this and France" he paused for a moment "well France might not actually care" he started thinking of Arthur and what he might do if he found out.

"I-it's okay," Canada said reassuringly. "England won't kill you. Plus, I don't think America will tell. I know things... So if he tells, then I tell!"

"Oh I see, so what do you want to do now?" Prussia was unsure Canada would want to go back to what they were just doing.

"What if he walks in again?..." Canada questioned not sure if they should continue.

"Well want to go out get some lunch than"

Canada smiled, "That sounds great!"

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