Part 7

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Chapter 7

Omkara is restless He is unable to catch some sleep as his past haunts the question as to Why ? His father abandoned him makes him more restless. Instead of groping He decides to have a walk to clear his head .Once outside He runs into Shivaay who had come for a walk He scoffs mentally as Shivaay frowns seeing him.

"Why are U here? " Shivaay questions Omkara as Om smirks Scratching his Forehead Om replies "Bro Don't you think It is better that we see each other little as possible ?",

Shivaay gives it a thought as He lets out a laugh "Agree Mr.Omkara Singh Oberoi or Should I Say Omkara ? After all you are a Guest here ..For Sometime " Shivaay Emphasizes word by word .This Hits a Nerve on Omkara as He turns around and leaves the place Fuming .

He Dashes onto his room and puts himself on the bed Taking out his phone He caresses his Mother's picture carrying a little Om in her hands

"Why?" He asks her with tears brimming in his eyes "Why did you leave me Maa ?" He questions her as He lets the pain consume him calling it a night.


Gauri yawns stretching her hand out as She wishes herself chirpily .Freshening up She steps out of the room to notice that her blinds had been opened the whole night .Urgg She looks to her Right and Left and Starts Whining .The Right Side in Omkara Room and Left is Shivaay's Room .

"So Much For Privacy !!" She stomps her foot Fuming She is surrounded by all the Sides that too by the people She hates the most "Urghh" She leaves the place .

Gauri is presented of Variety of Dishes in Front of her For Breakfast .She decides to wait until everyone else joins her . Khannaji enters and Smiles at her as She reciprocates

"Good Morning Gauriji How was your Night here ? "

"It was Okay Khannaji and Please call me Gauri " She tells him jovially .

"So what are you waiting for ? " Khanna inquires her Seeing her looking at the Food longing

"I am Waiting for others to join " She tells sadly

Khanna smiles "Gauri You start feasting They Will Not join "

"Why is that So? "She asks back

"They never did !" Khanna sighs as Gauri starts attacking the food She is damn hungry.


Khanna enters Gauri's Room with a Laptop " Mr.Oberoi in on a Video Call "

Gauri gives a quick hello as Mr.Oberoi Smiles in return "How is your First Day in the Mansion All Okay ?" Mr.Oberoi asks her From London He is off to London for some time for a Vacation

Gauri nods . "So Gauri Your First Task is to get them eat together Okay ?".

Gauri smiles musing Is it a Big Deal In Getting them Eat together ?

After The Call ends Khanna Tells her "When You Complete each task Successfully you would get a bonus and Yes you can start College by next week " Gauri nods.

~A Cinderalla Tale ~Where stories live. Discover now