The Office - Yoongi/s

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~Smut warning~

Life in the office can be boring at times. More if you're just a small grain of rice at Min Finances. I had just graduated from the university with a major in business and a minor in finances. If you just zoned out being of how boring that sounds believe me I already know, the only thing I could get right now was an assistant for one of Mr. Min Yoongi's partners, Mr. Kim Namjoon. He was actually one of my best friends growing up so I'm glad he became successful in life. 

I walked into the office this morning with Mr. Kim Namjoon's coffee and morning muffin along with my coffee and my small order of biscuits and gravy with bacon. I set his food down on his desk and sat down at my small desk about to dig into my breakfast when my phone rang. I groaned slightly to myself and closed the lid to my food. 

"Mr. Kim Namjoon's office how can I help you?" I say in my 'costumer service voice' to sound like I actually am not upset I wasn't able to eat my food. The voice of none other than Mr. Min Yoongi came through the phone. 

"Miss Baker? Can you stop my office? I have some papers for Namjoon." He said, his voice a little on edge and he hung up the phone before I could reply. I sighed and looked at my food and pouted. 

"Until later." I said to my food and grabbed my folders of things I had to give to him anyways. I walked to his office, heels clacking on the floor. For some reason I actually felt nervous to see him. Was it because of the major crush I had on him? The world may never know. I laughed to myself as I knocked onto Mr. Min Yoongi's door. 

"Come in Miss Baker." The voice on the other end answers. I open the door slowly, no sudden movements, I think to myself and smile again at my own joke. Mr. Min Yoongi hung up on his call and smiled at me softly, teeth showing slightly. God he is so adorable.  I think and smile back at him a bit more brightly. 

"Here are some files Mr. Kim Namjoon wanted me to drop off, I thought I would just drop them off while I was getting the files for him" I said and placed the files in front of him and his smile turns into a smirk, only slightly, but enough for me to notice. 

"Thank you Kate, is it okay if I call you Kate?" He says as he stands up, rolling up his sleeves. I nod and gulp slightly. He must know what hes doing, I think to myself lace my hands together in front of me. 

"Yes sir. Of course sir." I say and force the smile on my face from dwindling. He goes to the file cabinet and pulled out a file. 

"This is our numbers from the past 4 months. Make sure Namjoon gets these so we can make a budget for the rest of the season." He says and his fingers brush mine as I take the files. 

"Y-Y" I clear my throat, "Yes sir." I say and I turn on my heels to basically run out the door. But as soon as I turn, his hand grabs my wrist in protest. 

"Another thing, you look beautiful in white," He says and smiles softly but there's something in his eyes, the soft brown eyes, that said something else. I couldn't exactly place a finger on it but I had a feeling I would find out soon. I blushed a deep red, and smiled shyly. 

"Thank you si-" I was cut off by him brushing a stand of hair that had found its way in front of my eyes, which was almost all the time with my hair being short and can sometimes be in the way of my eye sight. I held my breath as he pulled away. 

"Please, call me Yoongi." He said and smiled and turned to go back to his desk just as the phone rang. He smiled at me one last time before he turned his back to talk to whoever was on the other line. I stood there, in shock of what had just happened. Did that actually happen? I turned back to my path, slightly disoriented, walking out of his office. I looked down at the file he had given me and on it was a small note with my initials on it. 

'Meet me in my office at 8 pm, don't be late.' 

My breathing stopped and my heart started to pick up its pace. No, it's probably nothing like that. I'm just fluent in English, maybe he wants me to translate things. But Namjoon is fluent too? My thoughts were spiraling out of control. I looked down at my watch to check the time, 10:32 am. Today was going to be a long day. Wait, I still had my biscuits and gravy still!


*7:58 pm*

I had just clocked out after Namjoon had left. He had said goodbye and said that him and his girlfriend were going out for a fancy movie and dinner when I gave him the eye and he laughed, saying that they were actually going to build a pillow/blanket fort in their living room and watch movies while eating pizza, but she doesn't know that. I laugh and wish them well as I walk down to Mr. Min - I mean Yoongi's office. I had knocked on his door and I heard a soft, "Come in." 

I shuffled in a little awkward. "I'm sorry I'm early but I-" He cut me off with holding up his finger, him being on the phone. 

"내일 전화 해, 작별 인사." (Call me tomorrow, goodbye.) He says as he hangs up the phone. He motions me to come her with the finger he held up for me to hold on. I shuffled forward and stopped in front of his desk.

"Sir, if I did anything to upset you I'm sorry." I say in a quickly spoken, shy voice. He just laughed and loosened his tie. Damn. 

"Listen Kate. Namjoon told me all about your little, crush of yours." He said and got up and locked the door. First of all, I'm gonna kill him. Second of all, I'm going to die. "And I just wanted to say," he came up behind me, as I could feel his breath on my neck. I fought the urge to shiver and I guess he could tell. "The feeling is absolutely mutual." He said and turned me around a little roughly to meet his eyes. I whimpered softly at the sight before me. He had unbuttoned his shirt enough to see the top of his chest and his eyes were glowing with lust. 

My breathing shook a little bit, just like my feelings inside. He kissed me with such force that took my breath away. After the shock of the kiss left my mind I gratefully kissed him back, snaking my arms to his hair as I tugged on the little hairs that met his neck and he growled into my mouth. The sound made me soft and made me want him even more. He cleared his desk in one strong movement and lifted me onto his desk swiftly. He quickly stepped in between my legs as I looked into his eyes, moaning softly at the look in his eyes. 

"Call me Oppa." 

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