Chapter 39 - April

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A/N: I don't normally do these notes in the beginning of a chapter but this time I had to make an exception. I just wanted to say that Ashton is going to use some Australian slang and since I'm not an Aussie, I have no idea if people talk like that in Australia. Anyway, the slang is just for fun and I hope I don't accidentally offend any Aussies. To the chapter now!


"Liam honey, Ashton is here!"

I had just got home from Louis' apartment and I was craving for some breakfast and coffee, too. I had completely forgot it was Sunday and the exchange student was arriving here today. He had obviously arrived already, since my mum informed he was here.

I took my shoes off and hesitantly walked towards the living room area where my mum's voice had come seconds earlier. When I stepped into the room I saw my parents sitting on the couch and opposite of them, sitting on the armchair, was a boy around my age. I took a step closer and he got up. I noticed he was slightly shorter than me.

"Hi I'm Liam," I said while tucking my hand towards him. I thought it was a polite gesture and when he chuckled quietly, I felt a bit hurt.

"You Pommies are so weird, but that's dab." I had no idea what he had just said to me and I didn't have time to ask because I was pulled into a bear hug.

Once he let go of me, I sat down next to my mum who gave me a genuine smile. I knew my mum was excited to have Ashton here and I wished I was as excited as she. For some reason, the idea of a stranger living in our house felt uncomfortable.

I also knew that I would have to be friends with this Australian lad and possibly show him around, and I wasn't looking forward to that. What is wrong with me? I thought when I realised how rude I sounded. I was nice and polite person. Time to start behaving yourself, I angrily told myself.

"Alright boys I'll make us some lunch, why don't you go upstairs and have a nice chat." My mum gave me a short nod and I knew this wasn't a question, but an order.

"Have you seen your room yet?" I asked Ashton once we were upstairs.

"Yeah my stuff is there already," he told me. For some reason, I found his accent quite fascinating. I had never met an Australian before and I started to feel a bit excited, not that I wanted to admit that to anyone.

"This is my room," I opened my bedroom door and made a gesture with my hand for Ashton to go inside.

He almost jumped on my bed and crashed there, leaving no room for me to sit down. I sat down on my chair instead and turned around to face him.

"Your home is so cool, like the old house where I lived was small and cramped," he told me with his accent. For some reason I thought he spoke lazily and he sounded like a proper surf boy. Or maybe, it was just my own assumption of Australian people. I didn't even know where Ashton was from, so maybe he didn't live by the beach and wasn't a surf boy after all.

"I'm glad you like it," I answered once I realised I hadn't continued our small conversation.

"Do you party around here?" He asked me and I couldn't help but to snort at his question.

"We have a local pub where me and my friends go sometimes, but I don't really drink" I explained once I got over the stupidity of his question. I thought it was quite stupid considering Holmes Chapel was just a small town and there definitely weren't any night clubs around here.

"How come you don't drink?"

"I don't know, I'm just not a party person." I hoped my answered satisfied him enough to keep him silent. I really didn't like the way he was asking these questions, it almost felt like an interrogation.

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