Chapter 2: Gotham Academy

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Percy P.O.V

I woke up at about 6 o'clock because school was starting at 7:30. But instead of getting ready I sat there until 6:20 staring off into space and deciding if school was really worth it the answer was yes mom would be upset if I chose no.

I looked through my closet for the perfect outfit but couldn't find one until one glowed into existence on my bed:

I looked through my closet for the perfect outfit but couldn't find one until one glowed into existence on my bed:

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I hurriedly put on the outfit and ran down the stairs to find one of the kitchens. I made a quick batch of blue pancakes and ate them walking out the door. 

I walked to my car eating pancakes when I realized I didn't have the keys to my car. I sighed in frustration it was already 7:10 and I still had to find my way there.

I snapped my fingers and my keys appeared in my hand. I looked across the street and there was a boy with black hair and blue eyes getting ready to start walking to school but I could tell he was to busy checking out my car.

"Hey, could you help me out real quick?" I say to him

"Yeah sure, what do you need." He says walking up to me.

"So as you can probably see I'm new around here and I have no idea where Gotham Academy is do you?" I say looking at the ground in embarrassment.

"Yeah, that's actually where I'm headed now."

"Oh um great I could give you a ride so you can show me the way."

He looks around and back at the car deciding if he really wanted to accept a ride from a complete stranger but in the end, he agreed.

He got in the car and so did I as he instructed me to the school grounds.

"I'm Persephone by the way but people call me Percy what's your name?" I ask him trying to keep my eyes on the road.

"My names Richard Grayson but people call me Dick," he says looking out the window.

I finally pull up to the school with people staring at my car did I mention this model of the car hasn't even come out yet. I hop out the car putting on my trident necklace and lock the doors once Dick gets out.

"It was nice meeting you," I say running to the school before he even has a chance to respond. I really don't wanna be late.

Dick P.O.V

I got out of the car and began walking to the school but was immediately stopped by my best friend Wally West.

"How'd you get here I went to pick you up but you were gone," he says looking at me with concern.

"Oh yeah, I forgot I got a ride."

"Who drove you to school," he said prying for answers.

"This new girl who lives across the street she needed help getting here that's her car," I said pointing to the most expensive beautiful car in the lot.

"WHAT! You got a ride in that it comes out in like 5 years I wanna meet this girl."

The bells ring signaling were late and its time to go.

We ran through the halls to our first class which was science to see Percy standing in front of the class 

"This is Persephone I mean Percy Jackson she's our newest student from New York." The teacher says as we take our seat.

"That's her" I whisper behind me to Wally but get no reply.

I look behind me and Wally is wide-eyed and looks like he's about to start drooling. This was going to be good I'm going to introduce them at lunch.

"You can have a seat next to Mr. West Perci." The teacher says making me let out a silent chuckle this was going to be really good.

Wally West P.O.V

Let me just start by saying this girl was a gift from God sent from the heavens above from Aphrodite herself.

Her sea green eyes seemed to change like the actual sea her hair was long and curly but still natural and she had this beautiful tan that made you think she stayed in the sun most of her time.

"You can have a seat next to Mr. West Perci." The teacher says making my heart flutter the most beautiful girl in the school gets to sit next to me. 

Now I could get a better look at her and I could tell she radiated power like a royal or something. I knew now at this moment I really wanted this girl.

Through the lesson I couldn't pay much attention with Percy sitting right next to me she was very distracting not that I'm complaining.

The bell rung again signaling the class was over. I hurriedly went through the classes until lunch ready to see Percy again.

We signaled for Percy to come sit with us once we saw her looking around for somewhere to sit.

"Hey Dick and Wally isn't it," she says having a seat and looking between us.

"Y-yeah t-that's m-me," I say rubbing the back of my neck. "Your eyes are beautiful" I accidentally blurt out.

Dick laughs and Percy blushes and I was ready to hide in embarrassment.

"Thank you, Wally," she says as the red disappears from her cheeks.

To soon lunch was over and closely following school was too. I and Dick decide to walk her to her car and waiting there was a goth looking boy who looked around 16 years old.

"Nico you made it!" she says running to her mystery boy making me jealous. She jumped on him wrapping her legs around his waist causing him to laugh.

"Of course I did I could never let you down," he says making me start to growl.

"Oh Dick Wally this is Nicky," she says with a huge smile.

"No my name in Nico it's nice to meet you."

"Did you guys need a ride?" She asks us quickly like she really wanted to take us.

"Yeah," I say hoping in the back seat with Dick while her and Nico sat in the front much to my discomfort.

"So Nicky I decorated your room last night and I was wondering how long you'd be staying?"

"Um maybe a few weeks," he says slowly like he wasn't really sure "Or maybe I'll just stay until dad calls me back then I'll just come back after I see what he wants" He continues.

Before I knew it we had pulled into Percy's driveway "I'll see you guys tomorrow." She calls out to us as we walk across the street to Dicks house.

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